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Posts posted by YabanciKiz

  1. It's really hard to offer advice without knowing the schools or the program. Although you've given a lot of details, without names (and other concrete details) it's rather vague.

    My advice would be better with more information, but here it is: don't feel bad about asking for more money. Be persistent yet polite and offer to give the schools hard evidence of better offers.

  2. an update

    I'm now in at Oxford but still waiting on the scholarship announcement.

    SIPA offered me $71k in scholarships, and the tuition+fees are about $113 for the 2 years. So, I'd be on the hook for $42k.

    SAIS has now offered me a full ride. So, I'd have no debt.

    But, from what I've researched, I think that SIPA is a better fit overall.

    What would you do?

  3. I was accepted into SIPA, Tufts, SAIS, SIS, and CIR. ALL of the schools have offered generous funding.

    SIPA offered me the most by far: over $67k in funding for the 2 years plus an International Fellowship.

    SAIS offered full funding for the first semester in Bologna. I'll email to ask about 2nd year funding.

    Tufts gave me over $40k for 2 years,

    SIS & CIR gave me 1/2 off tuition waiver.

    Any of these options would require some debt, which is fine. I'm not risk averse. I'm just trying to find the best option. I am interested in terrorism and security studies; I already speak a few languages, so language course accommodation is not a problem. I have 6+ years abroad working in public service, so I don't have to have a study abroad option. I don't really know what I want to do after school; I've thought about a PhD, working in consulting, working for the UN, Amnesty International, or a think tank. 

    Any advise?

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