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Everything posted by ktm244

  1. Did anyone receive an accepted students email from NYU without having received their official acceptance yet? I did, but I interviewed late and was wondering if maybe it was just a glitch? I'm still waiting on funding...was that info present on the official acceptance?
  2. I just got into Gallaudet today. Does anyone know anything about Gallaudet SLP? I am tri-lingual and want to do research in deaf studies and american sign language, but I was wondering if anyone knew anything else.
  3. has anyone heard from UT Austin? They were supposed to release decisions this week and it's driving me mad
  4. game theory
  5. i have yet to get one decision. I'm close to clawing my eyes out, and my hair is more sparse than it was about a month ago. hurry hurry hurry
  6. Hey I was wondering if we may be able to post stats and then acceptances/rejections so the rest of us can know our odds too? I'm in my senior year at a top tier school (not an Ivy) -3.53 GPA in last 2 years. 3.8 overall. (I transferred schools and did poorly my first year as a transfer) -Ling/Psych major who specialized in Neuroscience..non SLP may hurt my chances -no published materials but have been working as an RA for about a year. -I'm a live-in employee for students with developmental disabilites (I also happen to specialize in language issues of the developmentally disabled) -paltry..beyond abismal GRE score -have been teaching and substitute teaching in Special Education classrooms for about 3 years now applied to: NYU TC Columbia San Diego State University Gallaudet UT Austin Got an interview with NYU but cannot go, so we're currently trying to schedule a phone interview. Have heard nothing from anyone else. It's beyond stressful. good luck all!
  7. I know this post is old, but i was creeping on here and found it and my situation is quite relevant. I go to a school on a quarter system, so we have finals in about two weeks. Well my Top school invited me to an interview during finals week. unfortunatley I had to contact them and tell them that I could not go due to the fact that I was taking finals, and asked if I could reschedule. It happened to be an interview weekend, so they couldn't reschedule, but told me they would try to set up a phone interview or Skype interview. I've been worried since then that I ruined my chances, but if I had gone I would have failed my classes, and wouldn't have been able to go to grad school anyway; so it was sort of a lose-lose. just thought I would vent. I hope everything worked out for the OP
  8. So I asked my boss for a letter of rec for speech pathology programs. After she sent them all in, she really wanted me to read what she had written because she felt like it was stuff she had wanted to say to me and I guess never had the chance. Most of it was really nice, well written etc. But then...disaster. I approach speech pathology from an interdisciplinary approach and as such I have an extensive background in neuroscience and really really enjoy it, and talk about the brain and its functions quite often. So she wrote something to the effect of..XXX talks about the brain with the enthusiasm that most college students talk about last weekend's keg party. she actually used the words "keg party!" am I totally screwed? It's way too late to do anything, but I thought I'd ask.
  9. Did anyone here not get the NYU interview? I cannot attend due to finals and Monica told me it wouldnt hurt me if I couldn't go.
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