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    2016 Fall
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    Social Work

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  1. Thank-you so much! I would love to be able to ask some questions to someone who has been through the program. I'm really wanting to capitalize on the program as much as I can, especially since its so quick, and so I'm wanting to get my game plan sorted out now. I am definitely looking at a micro focus--though my long term goal with school is to do clinical work for X number of years, and then eventually do a Master's of public/health policy and move into public policy, trying for a focus on mental health and palliative care. I am in the midst of exams right now, but I'd love to like send you a few pms with questions later on next week. Thanks again!
  2. Just curious, notafortuneteller, You didn't mention the accelerated BSW at Waterloo, are you not considering that one? If so I'm just genuinely curious as to why. I will most likely be starting that program in the fall (applied and accepted, waitlisted at u of t) and have heard very good things about it, and field placement opportunities. Yet most people on this sub mention the Lakehead BSW at Orillia and say that U of T likes graduates from that program. I went to several info sessions for the U of T program and they frequently mentioned the Waterloo program, but not really the Orillia one. Is there a major difference/preference factor I'm missing between the two? Travel and living is far more accessible to me with the Waterloo program so I didn't apply to Lakehead because it just didn't seem realistic. I was able to take the pre-requisite courses at Waterloo online as a non-degree student and got some equivalencies as well. The program isn't really 10 months, the pre-recs make it longer, but doing them as a non-degree you can do them in tandem with your application so that if you are confident in your ability to get in you, you can complete everything in the same amount of time it would take to apply, accept, and complete a 10 month program. Any thoughts you might have on the Waterloo program or others would be appreciated. FrogMirror
  3. Someone earlier on this thread said that U of T's waitlist is typically very large. Though I'm sure everyone on this sub is a keener too
  4. Just got the mail, waitlisted at U of T as well.
  5. Hey CalendarGirl, (and kv32), I am in a similar position to you both. I applied to a few MSW programs and at this point I'm pretty sure I'm not getting in. (Womp womp). I did however get into the Renison BSW program. I've made my peace with where I'm at and am looking forward to how I can best put together an application for next year, or possibly the year after. The good thing from going through this process once and listening to others is I now have some idea of where my application's strengths and weaknesses are. I bet both of you are in a similar position and now have the time (and the university resources from your BSW program) to ameliorate. I'm going to be trying my darndest to build up more research experience. My hours are not bad (but are largely volunteer) however that will get better with practicum opportunities. I'm excited to meet two classmates for next year I'm doing the full time BSW and am hoping to carry on with at least one of my volunteer commitments so I think next year will be very hectic for me but I am looking forward to it. Are you going to the same placement fair on the 25th? As soon as my exams are finished in a few days I'm going to start figuring out what I can do to prepare for that. I'd love to talk to you guys more about everything involved in the BSW and get a game plan ready for the next period of our lives Cheers, FrogMirror
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