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Everything posted by CG_MSW

  1. Congratulations! Is this for the Orillia or Thunder Bay campus? As of yesterday, I have now been waitlisted for UofT and Lakehead's Orillia campus... does anyone know when the deadlines to accept for either of these programs are? I'm feeling pretty discouraged and trying to figure out what improvements I can make for my applications to reapply next round but it would also be great to have an idea when I would be the most likely to hear if I were going to get off the waitlist. I'm stuck between trying not to get my hopes up but also not wanting to give up completely on this year :/
  2. Just got my waitlist letter from UofT. Trying hard not to get discouraged. I also applied to Lakehead's One Year Program though, so I'm crossing my fingers that that works out... out of curiosity is there anyone here who applied or has taken it? I was wondering what tuition was like and can't seem to find info on their site/ it was kind of confusing.
  3. I should have clarified my application was for York's Two-Year program, the One-Year could be different. However, I'm sure the work experience you have gained since your last application will definitely boost the odds in your favour! I wish you the best of luck getting into where ever you hope to be. I had no luck with any of the schools I applied to last year unfortunately, but was applying to the Two- Year programs so limited options I reapplied this year, plus Lakehead's One- Year BSW, so hopefully something works out! Thanks for the positivity!
  4. I applied to York last year and I am pretty sure it said No Decision Yet until I got my rejection in April :/
  5. I really hope you get into whatever school you are applying for because I think you will make an amazing social worker
  6. Kind of off topic, but I am applying to Lakehead's program this year and was wondering if you could provide insight into the application process! For the references, do you send the forms to your choices and then receive them back and send them to the school? The website was kind of unclear but it seems they are including the references in the application package we are supposed to send in. Thanks for any support you can give on this!
  7. You could maybe try calling the admissions people there? I think that's likely your best bet. Sorry that that happened though. At this stage there may not be a ton you can do to correct it, if they have already started with their acceptances and rejections Maybe they just assumed you mixed up months and years given you also stated in hours!
  8. I assume it changed earlier in the day when the acceptances went out. I just didn't think to check until I saw the posts on here because I was thinking they'd email you either the good news or bad.
  9. I'm so sorry. I just checked mine and it says the same, so I understand the heartbreak. Fingers crossed we still get good news from one of the other schools!
  10. Thank you so much! You're super helpful
  11. Hey everyone! I'm new to the thread and I was reading through it a bit so I'm not sure if this has already been answered. Everyone keeps saying ROSI updates probably a week or two before SGS. So my question is... Do you only have access to ROSI if you are a previous UofT student?
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