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Everything posted by MSWHopeful22

  1. Hi! I applied for the 2 year MSW and I am still waiting too. i have e-mailed and called the school and received the same information. Essentially, the initial acceptances were sent out, as well as initial rejections. They told me that the initial acceptances have 2 weeks to respond, and once the two weeks hit or someone rejects sooner, that space is then offered to someone else right away. I inquired and they said it is done on an individual basis, so it can trickle in at any time and it won't necessarily be a second "wave" of acceptances. They said it is a process that will take until the end of April/early May, if I remember correctly? I'm usually a pretty patient person, but I am getting very anxious about all of this. Best of luck to you and your girlfriend, JHC!
  2. I am still waiting to hear from UWindsor too and my status changed recently to that too. I would love to know if anyone has some information on what this means?
  3. Congrats on your acceptances! That's amazing! Quick question - how long does Windsor give you to reply to their acceptance? I am one of the ones in limbo who haven't been accepted/rejected, so I'm curious to find out when the next round of offers will go out based on the timeline the first round receives to reply. Thanks for your help! And congrats again! That is such great news!!
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