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Everything posted by photogrl

  1. I e-mailed NYU Steinhardt over a week ago just to make sure nothing got lost in the mail. They said a decision had been made, but it would be sent in the mail only. It does not take a week and a half to get mail from NY to DC. Anyone else not heard from them?
  2. Just got that too. At least we know when and how we'll find out
  3. @nathancote Nice job! No word from Penn here either. Just got the rejection from UConn this weekend. Knew it was coming, but it still kinda sucks.
  4. @NathanCote: Congrats on the interview. No word from Penn yet here either, here's hoping for the best!
  5. I figure at this point, UConn is a lost cause, but how did you hear back from them? I figure I would have gotten a rejection whatever at this point... Hold tight for VCU, from what I've heard they will handle the different programs different ways and at different times. I've heard they can take up until that April 1st deadline.
  6. I know! You know what I miss? Knowing what to look for. Big envelope=good thin envelope = bad. Now it's waiting for the mail, the e-mail, and checking online and still not knowing which way the news is going to come...
  7. Just like an information secession, not like a real program. I know what you mean about Fairfax, but I figured I'm not going to worry about anything until I hear from people. All the schools I applied to have pros and cons, so I figured I'll just wait and see who wants me and who doesn't and then figure out what really matters.
  8. I noticed! Actually your post of GMU acceptance triggered me to look at my application again and saw the were still missing my CV (after a couple of trys) so thanks for that! Congrats on the MICA interview. Did you go for the low res program or the two year? I went to Mason for a grad program last Spring, but haven't been there since the new building was finished. My work is a very "mixed media" approach to photo. Not sure it's the best fit for all of my schools, but we shall see (hopefully sooner than later).
  9. I can't tell you how much better reading this has made me feel. I've had no word from anyone (but at least I'm not the only one) Here's my list: UConn NYU Penn Design (Anyone else apply here?) GMU VCU I just found out yesterday there were issues with my applications to GMU and VCU. Just a quick warning, if you applied to VCU and EVER attended a community college (even just to get one summer class in) they'll want that transcript too.
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