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Everything posted by DMotts

  1. I totally understand the waiting struggle. Not psychology, but waiting to hear on LSU for funding through their Philosophy MA program. Fingers crossed. Professor Shufreider has been nothing but nice and informed me that he should have a better idea of funding within the next few days or so.
  2. Accepted into the LSU Philosophy MA program, but on a wait list for funding through the department. They actually recommended me to an open Gender Studies Assistantship, but I didn't end up getting that position either. Definitely a lot of waiting to the grad school application process. On a side note, I would say that Professor Shufreider has been nothing but nice to me. After letting him know about the Gender Studies Assistantship rejection, he informed me that he should have a better idea on funding through the department within the next few days. So. Fingers crossed.
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