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Posts posted by Phonemenon

  1. On 7/30/2016 at 11:31 PM, Ohhoneybear said:

    The grades and GRE scores are mostly due to slacking off, not being motivated and not studying or preparing for the GRE. I was in a few classes with her, and she didn't really get to the know the professors either. There is maybe one professor I know that could possibly give a good recc. 

    A lot of other people have given some great feedback. However, I want to address this little bit of what you said as it concerns me greatly. I realize that I'm probably going to come off as harsh when I say this, but to be quite honest, there's really no point in going through the process of trying to get into school for SLP if these are her extant habits. Grad school is incredibly difficult and demands discipline, motivation, and a lot of hard work. Someone like her is gonna have a bad time if they haven't committed to turning over a new leaf. Has your friend expressed an intent to "turn it around," so to speak, and avoid doing this in the future?

  2. I would personally recommend applying to way less schools than that. I found the application process to be extremely stressful just with applying to 8 schools, which is less than half of what you're considering. With your current stats and experience, I would narrow it down to 10 or less. (Please take this with a grain of salt, of course.)

    I can only attest to Kean and Pitt, as they're the only ones on your list that I applied to, but I do know that Pitt seems to prioritize GPA/GRE scores because they're such a competitive and highly-ranked program. However, I was waitlisted there was a 3.49 GPA (I'm an in-field applicant). I did have above average GRE scores and I was an undergrad at Pitt, though. Kean also seems to utilize GPA quite heavily, but not to the same extent.

    From my experience, all programs will at least consider your other experiences, but truthfully, the less applicants a program receives, the more likely they are to thoroughly consider each dimension of your application. Applying solely to competitive schools in the tri-state area might backfire if you're looking for programs that will consider you more holistically.

    Of course, this is all just my personal experience and opinion. As long as you do well on the GRE and in your post-bacc classes, I do think you have very little to worry about. I'd curate your list to eliminate some schools and include one or two lesser applied-to programs if you're truly that concern, but I think you're in a very good position as is. :)

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