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Everything posted by dancingbluestocking

  1. Hi everyone, Congrats to those of you who have been accepted to ASU! I'm a current undergrad in English Lit there (graduating in May and heading off to a PhD program in the fall), and since I've been heavily involved in the department, including teaching in the college, working with the freshmen English majors, and taking graduate seminars, I'd be more than happy to answer questions or otherwise be a resource. It's a big program, so there's a bit of navigation involved, but there are some hands-down AWESOME professors and opportunities there. Part of me is very sad to be leaving. Good luck to you all!
  2. I was admitted to the PhD there for fall, but up until this week, had not heard a word from the department. However, I got a letter on Friday saying that I have not been given funding, and that while sometimes admitted students ahead of me declining their funding would result in some sort of aid package, they can't make any promises. So, if you think are in the same boat as me, you might want to check the mailbox...
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