Hi everyone, I was just let go from a SLP masters program for not improving my clinical grade 2nd semester. It is a long story but basically I had no training in atriculation and I had a client with 8 different sounds on their goals and most of the sounds were distortions. I was a signed to a supervisor who had background in middle school/high school language and TBI. I was the onlyw student she had with an articulation Client and she had no idea how to instruct me. She had me addressing 8 different sounds with this poor client and the client ended up making no progress. I learned nothing and all she did was give me feedback on everything, and I mean everything I did wrong. Nothing I could do was good enough. Anyways she gave me a D and between that supervisor and another supervisor my grade ended up being a C+.. I literally gave 200% that semester but it wasnt good enough. Also I became very depressed around midterm because the supervisor told me that She doesnt see this profession working out for me. So that little pep talk had me on edge every session afterward. I Was 5 hours away from my family and boyfriend and I was miserable.
I absolutely know that I am supposed to be an SLP and that grad program was not a good fit for me. My question is how do I apply to another program (maybe a distance program), do I have to tell them about that school or can I just pretend like it didnt happen? Or should I be honest and explain my situation and what I had learned from it? Has anyone else had something similar happen and got into another program?