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Everything posted by M-lady

  1. If it is over than why they did make an announcement in the website, auto reply for the mail. Am I the only one who is optimistic?
  2. FYI: Jonas Truong won the scholarship for the partner graduare school program and he received the result almost a month ago.
  3. Who called them or who will call them? Its almost mid of July.
  4. Google does not know about results, facebook is silent too. Whom should I ask or what should I think, I guess only pray.
  5. Thanks for clarifying the issue with Rebeca. Now we again in a waiting mood....
  6. Especially for those whose study programme will begin in August.
  7. but again was it only for partner universities or in general?
  8. http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/WBI/EXTWBISFP/EXTJJWBGSP/0,,contentMDK:20287345~menuPK:562884~pagePK:64168445~piPK:64168309~theSitePK:551644,00.html The Secretariat informs the scholarship winners by end July.
  9. The winners in the post are: Rebecah Jean Labios and Anne Beline Ong Lopez
  10. waiting is the hardest part....especially when u receive a lot of reminders about visa and think about your job responsibilities.
  11. Looks like this is for partner universities, Harvard applicants?!
  12. Could you please share the link to that post? Is it applicant from the grant circle 2016-2017?
  13. Hi, friends! Who wrote to the Secretariat , universities started to ask to apply for visa. Also, all applicants have to have enough time to plan their study trip, etc, etc. Please share any information.
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