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Everything posted by Raawx

  1. I really want to get tons of hands-on experience in data analytics. I want to build intense interactive visualizations, get comfortable extracting data, learn all types of database code and languages, etc. but I have absolutely no idea where to get such help. It's agonizing because I really enjoy what one can do with data, but I don't really know how to pursue further development of those skills--and with a person, too! It just feels like my only options are to run into some guy at a meetup group or pay to learn a coding language. I don't know. I just need moral support and guidance so I can feel assured of what I'm doing in my future.
  2. Thank you for all for the responses! Sorry for the delayed response, aha. Reading over, I think I've got a clearer idea of what I likely should do; all of you are essentially saying that it doesn't quite matter what I do, so long as I care about it and it moves me toward my interests. At the same time, I feel like I'm the type of person that would be better served caring about certain specific issues, but having the experience to solve or attack a broad amount of policy problems with data analytics and such. Are any of you aware of good companies aside from big think tanks that tackle such problems in a more corporate setting? I'm guessing I'm thinking consulting, but more with a social good focus? I'm also interested in working at democratic political consulting firms, but I'm not sure all of the firms out there. I'm already aware of Clarity Campaign Labs, BlueLabs, 270 Strategies and 538 Labs and was wondering if you guys knew of any more? I'm immensely thankful for all of your help!
  3. I'm looking to get some work experience before applying to some Public Policy Master's programs and I was looking for ideas on organizations/jobs to pursue. I've just graduated UC Berkeley with a degree in Political Science and I've wanted to take a few months off to relax/enjoy my summer. Now that the summer is slowly ending, I've begun looking around for job opportunities and such. I've always enjoyed the more quantitative aspects of policy decision, but I have relatively little experience with policy itself. I was a transfer to UC Berkeley and had difficulties pursuing public policy classes, as I often had very little room in my schedule for much of anything. I enjoy working with statistical packages, conceptualizing research projects, organizing and cleaning data, producing visualizations, and the like. As a result, I've pursued (rather unaggressively) jobs that would help me develop those skills; political consulting jobs in DC. I've not applied to many organizations, but I've had relative success in application process. I guess what I'm asking is--what jobs help show a commitment and interest in public policy? I know, it sounds like I want to get into a reputable Public Policy MA program because it looks good. And that's partially true, but I'd rather use these next two years to build my quantitative and analytical skills to be a competent applicant. So, I'm not sure--should I pursue a job developing my substantive understanding of my interests (Arab American/Education Policy)? Or should I work to hone my quantitative and analytical skills like I've already planned? If so, do you have any suggestions what kinds of jobs or opportunities to pursue? Or what organizations have positions that prepare individuals to be competent applicants?
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