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Everything posted by vieveview

  1. Also, just want to say this is my third year applying, and I was waitlisted for the same program last year. I think it's totally worth it to reapply places you were waitlisted. I was prepared to give it a fourth and final try ( got rejectednfrom my other schools). It's worth it to keep trying!
  2. I just got off the waitlist at MICA for the low residency mfa!!!!!!!!! I really don't believe it. Flabbergast times infinity.
  3. Anyone else hear from mica mt royal or low res?? I'm at a residency (cac woodside in troy ny) right now and the anticipation is killing my work ethic!
  4. Yes, I received the letter in nj right outside the city. Thanks, I am pretty disappointed bc I was waitlisted there last year. You never know with these things. Good luck to you! Still waiting on mica mt. Royal and low- residency. But ain't holding my breath. Onwards!!
  5. Rejected from Pratt by mail.
  6. Anyone been contacted about interviews for mica low res?
  7. curious for feedback www.egbarach.blogspot.com
  8. If you don't mind my asking, which school were you accepted to for painting at MICA? I only ask because I know I'm first on the waitlist for the Summer Low Res program...
  9. Ms. B, Your application is still under review. Thank you for your continued patience. Best, Chad K. Austein Assistant Director of Graduate Admissions The City College of New York grrrrrr
  10. vieveview


    I'm wondering the same thing about mount royal... Unexpectedly waitlisted.
  11. I received a one line letter saying I was waitlisted, and would be notified of the results in mid - May.
  12. Hellos all around. Congrats to everyone in this forum for posting and reading, regardless of your results. Mine are bittersweet, but not a total loss. And certainly not a waste of time. I've never felt more sure about why it is I do what I do - the research, the interviews, and this forum could probably keep me going for another year. We'll see what's in the cards... Hunter/nyu/Tyler/rutgers- no go pratt- waitlisted MICA - first alternate! Saic- prior degree BFA city college cuny - ? (all painting)
  13. Well there goes that. Thanks for the update...
  14. Good luck nova!! Still no word back after me interview. I'm ready to call. Some one stop me! Still waiting: nyu rutgers pratt hunter city college MICAAA
  15. That is an amazing coincidence. Best of luck to both of you!! No, Timothy App isn't the summer director. It's my top choice as well.... so nervous. Nice talking with you.
  16. @littlenova - Indeed, yes, I was interviewed by Timothy App, painting professor, interim director of Hoffberger. Really lovely guy. I'm relieved to hear they were all phone/skype interviews. In a way it was great, because I had no time to get nervous or overly prepare - I just picked up the phone, and he was like, "mind if I ask you some questions?" It was 9 o'clock at night, and I'm pretty sure I was watching Top Chef when I answered. VERY informal. I applied to all 3, but App said he was specifically inquiring on behalf of Hoffberger and Summer program. also, 10 or 12 will be accepted out of 60 applicants to summer program. 8 spots for hoffberger, 214 applicants.
  17. Hi Elaine, I got offered this option when I applied two years ago. I went so far as to go out there and begin classes before deciding it wasn't for me. There is a small group of people who receive this option and many of them come from very different backgrounds such as yourself. I would consider it if they provide funding and you want an opportunity to use their facilities, explore, etc. however, its nothing like an MFA and you don't get the guidance and support one might want from an MFA program. Hi Everyone Else, I'm wondering if hunter and nyu interview everyone they end up accepting... Here are my stats so far for this year MICA Hoffberger/low-residency: phone interview with director (of both programs) last week. He said i should know in the next few days. this was a very impromptu phone interview. is it bad that i wasn't asked to come to the school to interview in person? Director said I'm higher on the list for low res program than for hoffberger, but still in the running for both tyler:rej saic:rej nyu:? rutgers:? hunter:? pratt:? MICA mount royal:? CUNYcity college: ?
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