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Everything posted by moh230

  1. Yup, I just checked my Uwindsor too. I have also been waitlisted
  2. Wow I just checked Yorks website and I got admitted into the 2 year BSW program. Sadly will have to decline it and stay with Victoria
  3. This is how it looks like on my page when I click on the "my application status" Tab. Hope this helps you!
  4. Yes this is for the orrilia campus. I did not apply for the thunderbay campus
  5. No they didn't send me an email yet on my lake head account. I viewed it by clicking on application status and it said no have been wait listed on there. I am guessing the emails will be followed shortly.
  6. Hey guys, just got my status for lakehead, it says I have been waitlisted. To be honest, was happy that I did not get accepted because I really wanted to do UVIC online. So I am going to start University of Victoria 2 year BSW in a few weeks! and then hopefully apply to the advances standing MSW
  7. Hey guys just got an email from Laurier that I have been wait listed and that there are 40 people on the wait list
  8. Ya i just checked windsor and laurier, still nothing for me either
  9. Yup same here, I just started work ATM. Can barely focus
  10. did yours change right now? still got nothing on my e-mail :/
  11. was this for the 2 year program?? wow lucky you, im guessing i did not get in. DId your laurier log in thingy change and does it show the offer of admissions?
  12. @riaveda Yea I am in the exact same boat as you. lake head is being so slow and Laurier or Windsor have no specific deadline. So annoying
  13. Ya I saw lakeheada tuition to being around 11k-12k for.the HBSW 1 year. I also applied to lake head, they said they will be sending out results mid April so in the next 2 weeks hopefully.
  14. Ya I also got wait listed for u of t
  15. Hey anyone who applied to laurier, I called the Social work graduate admissions and left them a voicemail in regards when the admission results will be out. I will update you when I get a call back
  16. please update us when ever you get the change and let us know if there are more than one round of acceptance :/
  17. I know how you feel, I am in the same boat as you. I know the feeling of everything going bad all at the same time, try to get your mind off of it and think about the positives in your life or watch some funny videos on youtube, that always puts me in a good mood even for a while! everything will work out eventually , it always does
  18. Yea, I guess last names don't really matter. I guess just depends on the overall highest score everyone got that determines if they got accepted in the first round (assuming there are more than one round).
  19. Man, i hope they have more than one round :/. My last name starts with an H. Hopefully something will come up before the weekend.
  20. yea mine doesn't show anything. I guess better lucky next year for me. Congratz to everyone who got in!
  21. Hey i just made an acorn log in and it worked, where did the registartion status come up? which menu tab did you go on
  22. how did you get into acorn??? I dont think i can get in
  23. omg lucky you!! im pretty sure that means you got in!! then we will most likely all find out when ROSI is done updating by March 28th!
  24. LOL. yea, i didn't get anything either. @MSW2MD can you stop being an inconvenience. LOL you're annoying
  25. Yes Rosi is part of UOFT, most if not all advanced standing applicants that got accepted in the month of february had their ROSI changed to "invited" or something to that extent. If you do a google search of "Rosi Toronto" the first link should lead you to it. Click Log in to Rosi and follow the instructions on how to make an account and log in. Note; At this exact moment, Rosi won't work as they are updating the system. try it out tommorow!
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