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Posts posted by Olgraves

  1. Thanks @mrs12! I didn't get the notification that Pickering was open. I had a feeling that the email sign up wouldn't work for me for some reason... haha. 

    I am so happy to be done with the GRE! I was so brain dead afterward. I did well enough, I think. I'm planning to apply to the public policy programs at Carnegie Mellon, Georgetown, George Washington and American. That list is subject to change as I do more research, but I know that I really like the program at CMU.

    I'm allowing myself a weekend of relaxation and then I'll start in on the Pickering application!


  2. I have not yet started my graduate school applications. I'm taking the GRE tomorrow, so will wait to see my scores before making my final decisions on where to apply. I'm focusing on public policy programs - that much I know! As for Pickering, the application is still closed...

    Where is everyone else planning to apply?

  3. Hi All! I too am excitedly waiting to hear back about Rangel. Luckily I have the GRE this Friday, so I am pretty distracted with studying.

    Does anyone have a guess as to when the Pickering application will open? I thought it might be today, but it looks like it's still closed.

  4. I am anxiously awaiting to hear about the finalist decisions for the Rangel fellowship and looking forward to starting my Pickering fellowship application. Is anyone else in the same boat? 


    I am nervous because I think my background is slightly "untraditional" (if there is such a thing) because I've been working in the private sector doing management consulting for the past two years. 

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