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Everything posted by Speechie05

  1. Hello everybody! I'm new here so don't mind me. I'm currently freaking out because all of a sudden I found out I am graduating in Spring 2017. I have no idea where to start when it comes to Grad schools and where to really begin doing my research. I currently will be graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology though I do have 6 Speech Pathology classes I took 2 years ago. My current GPA is a 3.66 though I'm hoping to bring it even higher in Spring. Speech Pathology is what I want to get my masters in. Now, I signed up for Magoosh to begin my GRE studying since that seemed to be the most important at the moment. Next, I have no idea what exactly I need to look for when it comes to schools. I have looked at a few and it seems very very overwhelming because so many of them want additional courses in Speech. In addition, some schools have extended programs where some want a Post Bacc. So here is my question. Where do I even start? Should I email the schools I want to attend and ask if my current Speech courses are acceptable there? Should i stop stressing about my GPA? Sorry this is all over the place.
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