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Posts posted by Shero

  1. I have been accepted to both University of Wisconsin (Biochemistry), Madison and University of Michigan (Chemical Biology)

    I have visited both campuses, the madison campus left me a better impression than Michigan. I like their capital and frozen lake during the winter. In Michigan, I did not really tour around the city because of my busy interview schedule. I was mostly inside buildings and my hotel. So I did not really know what the town is like. I hear the college town is ranked the top 3 among the nation.

    and the students in Wisconsin seem to be more friendly and chill while the students in Michigan seems to be more serious and competitive. I think I actually can fit into both environments... so I don't know what school should I choose... any advice?


  2. Undergrad Institution: (School or type of school, such as big state, lib arts, ivy, technical, foreign (what country?)... Overall Reputation in Biology?)
    Major(s): Molecular Biology
    GPA in Major: 3.88?
    Overall GPA:3.75
    Position in Class: Top?
    Type of Student: Asian 

    GRE Scores (revised/old version):
    B: None

    TOEFL Total: (if applicable, otherwise delete this)

    Research Experience: (At your school or elsewhere? What field? How much time? Any publications (Mth author out of N?) or conference talks etc...)
    UC Santa Cruz, 2 years and a half in an Organic Chemistry Lab. Synthesizing peptides for inhibitors screening

    Two publications (second and fifth authors)

    One manuscript in prep (third author) and may be the first author for another one.

    Presented multiple times in School Conference and in SACNAS national conference. 
    Awards/Honors/Recognitions: (Within your school or outside?)

    Dean's Honors for many quarter

    SACNAS Travel Scholarship

    MARC Scholars( Stipend from NIH)

    Pertinent Activities or Jobs: (Such as tutor, TA, SPS officer etc...)

    Two quarter general chemistry tutor

    Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:

    Special Bonus Points: (Such as connections, grad classes, famous recommenders, female or minority status etc...)


    Few publications

    no connection at all=[

    Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:

    Applying to Where:

    PHD Biochemistry programs in:
    UC Davis (get interview)

    University of Michigan (get interview)

    University of Washington 

    Emory University

    University of Wisconsin

    University of Virginia

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