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Posts posted by robot_hamster

  1. More expensive per credit, sure- but you have to compare full time tuition to full time tuition. 


    Fewer classes per semester for grads and smaller class sizes means increased cost per credit hour, but roughly the same cost per a full time load. 


    If you're meaning 9 credits versus 12 credits, then yes it is about the same. I don't know a lot of people in my department that are full time though. I guess it just depends on how you look at it.

  2. Wait, you have a tuition/fee increase for grad Vs. undergrads?


    Graduate tuition is higher at my school too. I'll have to look up the numbers but it is more expensive per credit hour than undergrad.




    Okay undergrad is listed as $216 per credit hour (resident) and $641 per credit hour (non-resident). Graduate is $285 per credit hour (resident) and $769 per credit hour (non-resident). Fees are the same for both undergrad and grad. They are based on number of hours enrolled. Half-time for grad is 4 hours so the fees would be less than what most undergrads pay.

  3. I've used QuickTapSurvey and the free version worked really well.  I had to upgrade to the Advanced plan though because I had to brand the survey for my project and I needed to use branching.  Overall we've used it to collect a lot of data so I would say its worth it.


    The free version worked well? I was wondering what it meant by 1 survey. Is that 1 survey, period. If I tried the free version I was thinking to making a fake survey just to see how the data is presented. But if you're only allowed one survey and only one survey...

  4. Okay, so how do you use Bento to create a survey? I was planning on approaching people and then letting them use the iPad to complete the survey. The questions will be mostly multiple choice and scale. I was looking up the Bento app and I'm not understanding how you would use it to create a survey.

  5. Mine was version 4.something. I couldn't update it. I finally got the stupid iTunes to update today. I had made several attempts before and it would freak my computer out and fail. Everything looks good now, I have the latest version for my iPad running.


    Okay, so you can use the Bento without having a Mac? I would probably need to upload the data to Excel or something. Unless my adviser wants to buy me some expensive software to analyze the data with. I am basically doing this on a zero budget. I think some of the computers at school have SPSS or similar on them. You have to be allowed access to those labs though. They are for specific students.

  6. Okay, nevermind. I tried one more time to get my iTunes to update on my computer. I couldn't update my iPad because my stupid computer wouldn't update the iTunes software. I tried it again and it seems to be working so..


    What about this Quick Tap Survey app? It lets you do some stuff for free and a basic upgrade would only be $19/mo per device (I only have one). Has anyone used it before? Or does anyone else have any suggestions for apps?

  7. Wow, all these apps in the app store are very misleading. The app itself is free, but you have to have an account with the company to use it. Some of them are outrageously expensive for monthy subscriptions. My idea to go paperless isn't looking very good now.

  8. Eigen - Thanks so much for answering. I have never heard of Bento before, but I don't have a Mac either. I just have an iPad and my little netbook computer. Would they maybe have that program on the Macs at school? If not, I don't know how I would upload the data.

  9. I will need to collect survey data in the field. I have been looking at iPad apps, but there are so many out there. Has anyone done surveys with an iPad? What app worked well for you?


    I need:

    Offline data collection capability

    Scaled responses, as well as multiple choice

    The ability to sign (consent) would be really helpful


    Do these apps allow you to later upload the data to a spreadsheet?



  10. I often regret coming to grad school, but I didn't really have a choice on what school to attend. I couldn't simply go anywhere. I had to stay at the location I am right now. Sorry, I suppose that isn't much help.

    I can certainly relate to the "what-if" dilemma though. So many times have I tortured myself with the what-ifs. So many missed opportunities. I suppose it is only natural to wonder if things truly could have been greener.

  11. This was 2 years ago, but it was definitely worse than I thought it would be when I got to grad school.

    I went despite not having funding offered to me. They wouldn't let me register for classes like I was supposed to because I didn't have an adviser lined up. It isn't like I hadn't tried. Everyone I asked turned me away, said they couldn't take any more students and I should ask this other person. After being bounced around like a pinball, someone agreed to be my adviser. I spent a long time after that wandering around blindly with virtually no guidance on my thesis. Yeah, I wasn't off to a good start.

  12. I agree with what the others are saying. It could have been a case of ignorance/rudeness and, yes, it can still be harmful even if the person saying it did not mean any harm. I also wonder how many people were actually offended and didn't want to say anything because it would rock the boat. Perhaps someone there had a gay family member or friend, but still were afraid because (like TakeruK said) there is this perceived notion that "gays are fruits" is the what everyone else thinks. You never know.

    Anyway, I am with the others who say what department you are in is irrelevant. There is sexism in many fields, especially those that are traditionally male-dominated. It isn't a far stretch to think some of those sexist people are also homophobic.

    How you want to handle this is completely up to you. None of us can tell you what to do. You could take an active approach or you could simply avoid the situation altogether. Each carries its own set of risks. Is there someone you can talk to about it. You said you have told some people. Are they supportive? Perhaps they could help you out by showing their disapproval when someone says an inappropriate comment.

  13. I took a course taught by my adviser and had no problems at all. I don't think I was graded more harshly or anything like that. In fact, I did really well in the class. If the class is relevant and you feel it is worth taking, I wouldn't worry about it being taught by your adviser.

    I also took a class with a professor I TAed for. It worked out just fine too.

  14. We are an independent training company that works inside of the gym. The employees of the gym (the people who work at the front desk) actually work for a different company. I could have told them all kinds of things... but it would not have done me much good. Nobody is going to wonder what happened to you if you are not actually scheduled to work. If someone comes up to me and asks me where to find another trainer I just pull up their schedule online and see if they have sessions that day. If their schedule is blank I tell them "hey, they are not coming in tonight..." or what not. I would not go tell a manager "so and so isn't at work tonight, oh no!" because we don't operate that way. We are only paid per session we are not paid any other time to be there. Nobody would expect you to be there if you did not have anybody scheduled. So when I rescheduled all my people when I was sick, there was no expectation that I would be there hanging out.

    Okay, this is what I wasn't understanding. I had asked you earlier if you were independent of the gym or if you were an employee. Thanks for clarifying this.

    Could you just contact a temp service for some meaningless work for a week or two?

  15. I see your reasoning on this, but I'm still not understanding why you didn't call someone or at least left a message saying "I'm sick, I won't be in today, and I already rescheduled my clients". I'm saying this because the manager is the boss and they are expecting you to be there. When they see you are not there, of course they are going to wonder what the heck happened to you. Knowing to contact someone about your absence, even if it is someone at the front desk, should be a given. However, I do think the manager overreacted a bit by firing you. I think giving you a warning or a write up or something would have been more appropriate. I agree with the others though. Fair or not, they can fire you if they want to. I don't think they did anything illegal. See it as a lesson for next time.

  16. I guess I don't know how personal training works. Are you an independent like a hair stylist and you "rent" a booth (in your case, space in the gym)? Or are you an employee? If you are a regular employee, then I guess I'm not understanding why you didn't contact the manager first. Rescheduling with all your clients on your own was a great thing to do, but you still should have told somebody at the gym that you wouldn't be there. Unless I'm misunderstanding your description of what happened.

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