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About Agape

  • Birthday 02/15/1988

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  • Program
    Advanced Standing MSW

Agape's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Hey! Thanks so much, yea I did not get into Boston but I got into a school in Georgia and I am pretty sure I got into Long Beach after speaking with the director on the phone... but turns out I am going to be moving to MA and working as a nanny and then I am going to reapply for BU next year, and may even consider a direct entry Master's into nursing program...

    For now I will defer...

  2. hey agape... have u heard from bu ?? I know that you were still waiting for them awhile ago. Just wanted to see if u made a choice yet??

  3. Hey I am in the same boat as you and I know many others... first they sent an email saying they were going to push back decisions due to the large number of applicants... then on top of that they had computer difficulties with a new system and extended the deadline for applications till April... sooo now I am sure they have WAY more people than they thought... I am still waiting to hear and I only just got an email today saying they would let me know by the end of the month... here are some other people who have been discussing this...
  4. I am not sure but that would probably make sense! I know the dates are changing because they are overwhelmed with the amount of applicants and on top of that their new computer system had issues... I applied for Advanced Standing which I think takes even long to hear back from... and last week they asked for an evaluation from my internship... so at least they have not thrown my application out the door... I think they are just really behind... I was told I would most likely know by April 30th. But maybe I am actually on some type of unofficial wait list.... not sure.
  5. I applied for the Advanced Standing at Boston and I have still not heard anything! I am going crazy!!! I have not received anything via email or mail. I am hoping this is not a bad sign and rather a lack or organization on their end (which they have shown to be true). Cross your fingers for me!
  6. Hey Kobe, I just wanted to say great job submitting applications to 7 schools I know how hard they are! And hang in there, so far I am rejected by one and I only really want to go to Boston, but since everyone seems to be hearing already I am guessing it isn't looking good for me...so I can relate. Where all did you apply? And good luck!


  7. Congrats! Advanced Standing? or 2 year?
  8. Yea Boston is my first choice because of location and some other outside life things, so I want to get in VERY badly. But it is disappointing that they are so disorganized it seems... also I am worried about the large number of applicants meaning more competition. I applied for Advanced Standing at UNC and did not get accepted. But that wasn't unexpected really... I did not do as well in the application process/spend enough time on it because it was the earliest one due and I was swamped with classes at the beginning of the semester. Congrats on getting in though Jade where is your first choice?
  9. Latest news I heard via phone was that if you applied before March 1st (previous deadline) you should be hearing by March 30th!
  10. I have not heard anything... But on an unrealted note I noticed you were accepted to UNC at Chapel Hill... was that for the Advanced standing?
  11. You might try looking into getting an MSW with a Health concentration. I know Clark Atlanta is a smaller school in Georgia that has this type of focus! Good luck in searching
  12. I heard that decisions will be out by April 30th... anyone else hear this? That is so late! A lot of my summer programs for advanced standing start in may or june, and I graduate May 8th... I thought I would be able to plan my future a little more before I heard back because Boston was my first choice.
  13. I got an email today saying that I (as an advanced standing applicant) would hear from them at the beginning of next week today. Soo around March 15th ish?
  14. Congrats! Did you apply for Advanced Standing? I am still waiting to hear and I am wondering if it is different for Advanced Standing
  15. Yea it seems like they have been having some issues, but I am still hoping to get in and looking forward to hearing. I was also confused with all the dates changing, does anyone know when they will now be letting people know decisions?
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