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Everything posted by nervousgal

  1. I am a finalist for advanced beginning turkish! For all those who didn’t get it, keep trying. This is my third attempt applying and the first two I didn’t even make the first cut.
  2. Hey y'all, I'm a semifinalist for Turkish! Super anxious to hear back about results. I applied for advanced beginning Turkish because I'm really interested in studying Turkish migration policy, as well as Turkish policy towards Cyprus. Most of the country's policies are actually only in Turkish! I also applied because I'm a Fulbright ETA Semi-Finalist to Turkey and want to expand my knowledge of Turkish to facilitate a Turkish-English language book club that would have a wider variety of books to choose from. Fingers crossed that CLS provides me with an opportunity to prepare my language skills for these things. Sending good vibes to everyone on this forum!
  3. @emari5 I did, and I think it made a huge difference as well. My advisor was especially amazing and sat and brainstormed with me for some of the essays, and asked a ton questions about what I wanted to accomplish in my career that I think made it easier for me to reflect on my career goals and express them more clearly in my CLS essays. Even if I don't get the scholarship I still feel like having gone through this process will make it easier for me to write essays for other awards or research grants I may want to apply to.
  4. I'm curious about what other folks put down for the question about what would be the hardest part of the CLS program.
  5. Hi I'm applying for beginning Turkish. I applied last year but didn't get in. My university doesn't have Turkish, but this summer I took a Turkish course while doing an internship in DC so I hope my experience with that helps! When do you all think they will let us know about the first round?
  6. I made an account to be involved in this forum and for future programs I apply to. I applied to beginning Turkish, fingers crossed!! I'm really hoping we will hear back today.
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