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Posts posted by RELB94

  1. On 2/16/2017 at 4:56 AM, Lycaon pictus said:

    My teeth have been on edge literally since the deadline (2 weeks ago for me). I caved yesterday and emailed my prospective PI to see if he had any updates. Told me the process had just started and would take "~3 weeks or more" but he would keep me posted. FYI, I applied to William & Mary in late Jan, and their deadline was on Feb 1st. 

    I know it's super early, but the results page is showing both acceptances and rejections are already trickling in from W&M. (Mostly for humanities, a couple from physics).

    Is it too early for me to be reading into things? I've been mulling over whether "3 weeks or more" will be closer to the 3 weeks, or the more all day :lol:


    I'm in the same boat - every time an e-mail pops up on my phone my heart stops beating for a second. I would just wait it out - don't contact them again. They usually are pretty spot on when they give you a time range (in the programs I've spoken to) - so take it easy and try to get distracted! Once I hear back from the school I interviewed at, I'm going to contact other schools I haven't heard from just so I can know my options before I make a final decision. Best of luck!!

  2. 15 minutes ago, dustonthedash said:

    Nice! My research interests have some overlap between behavioral/evolutionary ecology, i.e. sexual selection and drivers of speciation. You and I both applied to Tulane and Princeton, and I have apps out at 5 other programs as well (UMN, CU Boulder, U of A, FSU, Ole Miss.)

    It's my understanding, as well, that professors at Tulane typically invite students out individually because the smaller size of the program. I applied with a professor who's been there for a handful of years (and I believe she's at a conference right now), so I'll just have to wait and see. Congrats on your interview and have fun at your visit! :)

    And yes, I'd say we should expect rejections from Princeton. They'll make official decisions in mid-February, but considering they only admit ~8 students to EEB each year I don't feel too bad about it.

    That's awesome! Best of luck! Let me know if you hear back from Tulane - would be awesome if we wound up in the same program 

  3. 23 hours ago, dustonthedash said:

    Hi! We have a similar background (honors thesis, undergrad grants, grades/scores, good LoRs) and applied to a couple of the same programs.:) What area of EEB are you hoping to study?

    For Tulane, I know that the official deadline wasn't until 1/15 for PhDs...did you send your application in early to find out about your interview? I haven't heard back yet.

    Also, Princeton EEB already sent out all their invites. I emailed the coordinator on January 9th to find out.

    hi!! ecological genetics how about you?? Where did you apply? 

    I applied to a brand new PI's lab in Tulane so I think she's hoping to get interviews done early. That way she can guarantee she has a PhD student so she can get her lab started there. It's really not an official interview weekend at Tulane. As far as I know, I'll be the only visiting student there that day. I can ask and let you know after my visit (which is on Friday). 

    Got it about Princeton, should we be expecting rejections soon then? lol


  4. Hey everyone! 

    I'm really interested in if anyone knows if Columbia EEEB invites prospective students out to interview with them. Also has anyone heard from Georgetown yet?

    Undergrad Institution: Binghamton SUNY
    Major(s): Biology (concentration in EEB)
    Minor(s): Music
    GPA in Major: 3.6

    Overall GPA: 3.5
    Position in Class: Top
    Type of Student: Domestic female

    GRE Scores (revised/old version):
    Q: 158
    V: 159
    W: 5.5

    Research Experience: I'm working on my honor's thesis at my school and have had almost two years of experience.

    Awards/Honors/Recognitions: I received an undergraduate research grant to perform my research and I also applied to the NSF GRFP, which I'm sure was attractive for some schools.

    Pertinent Activities or Jobs: I've been a teaching assistant. 

    Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: I had really great letters of recommendation and I was told my personal statements were impressive. I also established communication with potential advisors before applying, which only helped. 

    Applying to Where: Princeton, Columbia, Yale, Georgetown, UMich, UCI, UCSB, Tulane. So far I got a rejection from UCI and UMich and two interviews at Tulane (1/27) and Yale (2/1). Waiting to hear back from Princeton, Columbia, Georgetown, and UCSB. Let me know if you heard anything!

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