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Posts posted by KaylaJay

  1. 42 minutes ago, MarleneM said:

    I haven't found a FB group yet. If one hasn't been created yet, I'll start one myself. I'm in the health concentration. Let me know!!

    I just went to start one since no one else has, but to make a group you have to add someone from your friends list and I don't actually know anyone else going to the MSW in the fall 

  2. On 3/23/2017 at 11:43 PM, NKP MSW said:

    Is anyone going to the MSW New Admit Reception? 

    I am fairly certain that I am! Was kind of up in the air about it, but I'll be doing a service week in SF the following week anyways so may as well just go up a few days early. 

    Anyone else going?

  3. The nonresident supplemental fee is pretty killer on the wallet as well but... oh well! 

    Does anyone who already lives there/is familiar with the area have any recommendations on housing? I'll be moving with my partner and I see that there is family housing but I'm guessing that is more for folks with kids. Housing in the area seems astronomical, unless you go into Oakland which I've heard is very unsafe... 

  4. Congrats to everyone who has been hearing back!! This application period has been so stressful, but totally worth it. I applied/was accepted to both UW and Berkeley. 

    I guess we don't hear about funding at UW until later, although I love the school and the mountains near Seattle are amazing...

    I was offered an awesome fellowship at Berkeley, and as much as I really love UW I think it would be pretty stupid of me to pass up on the opportunity at Cal. 

    Is anyone else thinking about/committed to Berkeley? 

  5. 3 minutes ago, mlm23 said:

    Also waiting! Those who've already been admitted: did you find out about financial aid with your acceptance, or is that sent later?

    I haven't gotten my results yet, but from prior forums it sounds like financial aid is not sent out until later (sometimes as late as April/May) and that it is limited and mostly loans... but that's just info I've gathered from the forums :)

    I was admitted to Berkeley today (YAY!!!!) with a fellowship, which is very exciting and makes the decision difficult. Not hearing back from UW is driving me a little nuts, although now that I've at least heard from Berkeley I'm able to breath again lol. 

  6. I'm having a Schrodinger's cat kind of day. Am both alive and dead, but the admissions folk already know which one and just haven't opened the box to me yet :rolleyes:

    I'm driving in between SoCal and Vegas today, so hopefully if they do call it's not when I'm in the mountains. Glad I found all of you to obsess with!

    Good luck today everyone!!!!! And may the odds be ever in your favor :ph34r:

  7. 25 minutes ago, emcue said:

    Just got my acceptance letter! 

    Anyone accept their offer yet?


    Letter... as in physical letter? Did your online information update as well? 

    Just wondering because I have been checking online for an admissions decision, haven't even considered getting a letter lol.

  8. Hey everyone!

    It's almost decision time, hopefully less than a week left! I am actually going a bit crazy here.

    I ended up getting a really cool job with my Universities Women's Center right after the applications were submitted. I kind of wish I had gotten it prior, because it seems like it could have helped me get a fellowship or accepted. Hopefully my past experience and GPA are enough though! 

    Good luck!!

  9. I applied to UW's day program as well and the wait is killlling me! I guess some people are already hearing back, but from prior forums decisions can go into April. 

    I ended up only applying there and to Berkeley, which we are supposed to hear back from next week. I was going to apply to Boston as well but last minute decided to just stick with the other two.

    Kind of wishing I had applied to a "safe" school, but apparently I used to be a confident person :rolleyes:


  10. On 3/3/2017 at 4:50 AM, hollyg5 said:

    hI applied like January 2, which was 2 days before the deadline. 

    Congrats Holly!!!! I am waiting to hear back from UW still, although I applied just before the deadline. Really wishing I had applied earlier, but oh well! Gonna keep checking, and will update when I hear back! Going a little crazy over here waiting though to be honest!

  11. 8 hours ago, Amanda87 said:

    Has anyone else been planning out when to call regarding application status if you don't hear soon? .... Does that seem to early? I think I should hear this month, but I kind of want to have a game plan ready, especially if BC only gives 3 weeks to respond. 

    I have heard that some people get into contact with their top school about admission when a backup gives them a time crunch to respond...seems like it's hit or miss with whether that gets them a faster answer.

     I have to wait to hear back until March, and regardless I am still checking the sites every other day *just in case*. 

    Excited for you with Boston, Amanda! I almost applied there as well, but decided it was just too expensive with tuition and cost of living. It seems like an absolutely wonderful place to live though! I kind of regret not going for it, but then maybe eventually I'll end up in Boston anyways. 

  12. I've been silently stalking this website for a while, but waiting to hear back is driving me crazy so I figured I would post... 

    I only applied to 2 schools, UW Seattle and Berkeley. Kind of wishing I would have applied to a school that was a little easier to get into that I would have heard from earlier from somewhere! March seems so far away! 

    Congrats to everyone who heard back from their schools already!!!

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