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Everything posted by KaliLogan

  1. I'm living in your area and haven't received anything either!
  2. Nope. This is my first doctoral award so I didn't even know that we got scores until lurking on this forum. My understanding is that it will come in the mail? Again, this is my understanding from this forum. I have no outside knowledge. Just happy not ever having to (ie: being able to) apply again.
  3. Three second author, one third author, and handful of conference presentations (maybe 6 or 7) and a handful of unpublished manuscripts. I declined CIHR in my Master's (didn't end up going to that school). Some other very small monetary awards.
  4. Outstanding!!! Ah so happy for you!!
  5. Apologies - I might have misspoken. What I meant was that the research design has integrity and that there wouldn't be too many feasibility issues with the design. That you're able to address any potential methodological gaps in your project and that you're "thinking ahead" in terms of any roadblocks to your research. So based on your academic profile, how likely is it that you would be able to carry out this research? My project is essentially developing a new coding tool for a pre-existing clinical interview. Nothing fancy and nothing earth shattering, but totally do-able. To the best of my understanding, that's the main thing they look for.
  6. Ohh really? I didn't know they could upgrade from little SSHRC to big SSHRC like that. Is this common?
  7. I want to add to your point here - I only have second author publications and a proposal that, frankly, isn't going to change the world in any meaningful way AT ALL, but was awarded little SSHRC. I think they're looking for really strong research methods and feasibility more than anything else. It's SUCH a crapshoot. And for me, not really of financial benefit because my institutional funding package will get adjusted. The only real upside to getting the award (for programs that are already funded) is not having to apply again.
  8. Successful "little SSHRC" from York University email. It seems like York is beginning to post! Was hoping for the big one but certainly not going to turn my nose up at it!
  9. Literally EXACTLY what I'm doing.
  10. Ha! Not a particularly shocking response from UofT. They do have an insane amount of allocations, though, so I'm sure that seems like a reasonable response from their perspective.
  11. Congratulations!!! May I ask what institution? If it's the same as mine, I'll pay closer attention to my email today (ie: procrastinating my thesis).
  12. Honestly. I'm not sure that I understand the function of not having an online portal for us. The process worked perfectly fine for the CGS-M competition - why not now?
  13. Well, that's not very helpful, is it? I'm sorry that you received that response! I'm sure the results will be released to the institutions whenever the letters are mailed out (within the next couple days).
  14. That's an excellent plan. I caved, and emailed the faculty of graduate studies at my institution and their response was that they are still awaiting the results. Now I have to resist the urge to email them every hour asking "What about now?"
  15. Not yet - I've been bugging them so much lately that I hesitate to do it again. But if you haven't been as annoying as I have, you can for sure check in with them!
  16. Literally just thinking the same thing!
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