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Posts posted by swifteye

  1. I don't want to distract from the discussion of neighborhoods (might join in on that next month), but I was getting curious about the weather. I'd be going to Chicago after four years in sunny Southern California, where I break out the t-shirts in January and never need more than a light fleece to get through the evenings.

    How abrupt of a change is Chicago (other than very)? How well does the city handle snow?

  2. That's interesting. Where are you getting your information from? (a.k.a. are you a student of either program?)

    I hadn't heard about CIR, which is funny because I'm interested in development politics, which lies in the realm of international relations and comparative politics. That'll certainly give me a few questions to ask when I go visit.

    Thanks for the advice--I found it particularly difficult to find info from their website.

  3. Mainly because I'm interested in getting my doctorate, and full funding is generally available at admitted students.

    And yes, CJD, you do start reapplying to Ph.D. programs in the fall--it seems like an awful lot of work to be doing, getting a Masters while simultaneously applying to other schools.

  4. Hey everyone. I've lurked around here for a while. This site has been a tremendous resource through this process.

    Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone else on here is planning to attend Claremont Graduate this fall?

    I had a few acceptances to safety MA programs, but they're the one PhD that came through with an acceptance. Anyone?

    I'm not, but I go to a school in the Claremont Consortium, so I just wanted to say hi...

    That said, Claremont is the town of "trees and Ph.D.s". Far from downtown LA, and without a whole lot of character, in my opinion. I've also heard negative things about funding possibilities from friends who attend there, but it's only through the grapevine--you'd know far better than I.

    I'd say go for it if you've gotten funding and have an worthwhile advisor.

  5. So I need some advice about whether MAPSS is worth the investment.

    I've been turned down from all my Ph.D. programs (GWU is supposed to tell me tonight, and I anticipate a rejection), but UChicago threw my application into the MAPSS chute, and from there I was offered admission for the fall and 1/3rd the tuition.

    So my choices are:

    MAPSS at Chicago

    $35,000 in loans

    a Masters degree

    another year of back-breaking work

    taking a year to give my resume a boost and stop feeling burned-out

    can live at home and thus afford to volunteer or take an unpaid internship

    bad economy at home (Raleigh, NC)

    job-searching here I come

    My stepmom has expressed concern over the economy and the possibility of me failing to return to school after graduating. I don't feel like I'm in a good place to continue doing academic work (this post is a way of procrastinating a three-page paper I'm sick of working on), and I don't think that the best school for me is necessarily the best school in my field (politics), so a UChicago degree might not be the most necessary boost to my resume....

    Basically, I'm lost. I'll be traveling to Chicago in April to visit the school (and the city--never been). In the meantime, I'm going to start looking for real jobs and internships available in my area.

    Is $30k ever worth it for a Masters degree? So many little voices inside me are screaming NO.

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