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Everything posted by kingfisherscatchfire

  1. Much to discuss--will respond in pm!
  2. As a current Oxford DPhil, I would caution against the flippancy of the above advice. Both U of Chicago and Oxford will indeed open tonnes of opportunities for you as a scholar, but these opportunities will likely be very different. Would you prefer an academic career in the US? Choose U of Chicago. Do you plan on staying in Britain? Oxford. 'Following your dream' is probably not the most sensible thing to do here, as you are choosing between two very different programmes. Would you benefit from course breadth and structure, or are you comfortable in your knowledge and eager to begin your dissertation? I would recommend looking very closely at what types of academic experiences these programmes offer, as, at the end of the day, that is what matters. Final thought: choosing U of Chicago is absolutely not demonstrating a 'lack of guts'! One of the MSt students here is heading to U of Chicago next year for her PhD--her supervisor recommended this move because it is 'better than Harvard'. All in all, you've got great options Feel free to PM me if you have any questions
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