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Everything posted by racapieri

  1. Nothing from Davis for me yet. :-( Hey pjv, Congrats! Seems like you got in most of the schools you applied to. Have you decided where to go? Do you mind sharing a little bit of your stats/background and application strategy? It would be interesting to know in case I need to re-apply next year. How early did you submit you applications? Thanks!!
  2. Hello pjv, I agree with you said. But, you shouldn't make the decision based on the location since you are going for a masters you won't be living there for too long. But whatever project/program you decide to do now will be stuck on your resume forever. I have friends that went to Davis and they say it's not all that bad, a little boring, but you can always drive for an hour and go to SF or somewhere else for fun. Davis has a very good reputation in Food Science, lots of published material, lots of funding. I don't know much about Cornell, but it does sound a lot cooler to say that you went to Cornell than Davis ;-) May I ask where did you get your undergrad? I didn't contact any professors, how did you do it? Thanks!
  3. <br /><br /><br /> Woo hoo!!! Congratulations! I haven't heard anything yet - praying.
  4. I think you will find this info interesting: It's the 2009 enrollment stats for Food Science at UC Davis, more international students were accepted. Residency# of StudentsPercent Dist.California Resident1841.86%Non-Resident, Domestic613.95%Non-Resident, International1944.19% From: http://gradstudies.ucdavis.edu/publications/basic.cfm
  5. Hey kobie, I am not an international student, but I did my undergrad abroad. (I consider English as a second language) I think that most of the schools that offer food science are Land-grant Universities - probably that's why most of them are public. (?) I agree, if there is one thing that everyone has to do to live is to eat - no exception. Food will always be on demand.
  6. Nope, I haven't started any research project yet. So far I've been taking lots of pre-req classes, food chem, food processing, etc. The SJSU program is definetely more focused in Nutrition Sciences.
  7. Racapieri: Wow I didn't know SJSU had a FoodScience Program! I'm also in the bay area ... I might consider taking summer classes there in preparation. Are you doing an MS there? [i'm surprised because I didn't see them listed on IFT's website when I did my initial search...] Hello! SJSU offers a MS in Nutritional Sciences in which you can choose an emphasis in Food Science and Technology. It's pretty good for someone changing careers, you can take a lot of the pre-req classes there, but again, the budget has impacted most of those classes, some are only offered once every 2 years, such as Food Microbiology which is one of my main interests. Hence I'm applying to Davis. There are very few classes offered during summer and most of them are focused in Nutrition. (if not all of them) We are not on the IFT list yet, but the current student club is working on fixing that. Check it out, let me know if you have any questions. http://www.nufs.sjsu.edu/
  8. Hello kobie! I am actually in the SJSU Food Science program - which is also very impacted by the CA budget problem. I only applied to UC Davis, their program is the one I really want, so even if I don't get accepted I will keep trying next year. I'm also a career changer, my undergrad is biomedical lab science/molecular biology and I've been working in Biotech for the past 6 years. I'm sorry about Cornell, but I'm sure you'll make it to your other top choices. I think the response from Davis comes around April 15 (that's what their recruitment brochure said). Keep praying, maybe we'll be classmates ;-)
  9. Hello! I agree, there isn't much info from other Food Science students on any internet forums. I am currently a MS student and just applied for the PhD progam from UC Davis and still haven't heard/read anything from them. The waiting is killing me.
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