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Lauren A.

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  • Location
    Houston, TX
  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    MPA or MSW

Lauren A.'s Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Thank you so much for the advice. I never even thought about using LinkedIn to get some cold email options. I'll definitely sit down and use this advice while I'm tweaking my game plan
  2. Did you go to Maxwell too?
  3. I'll definitely look into this!
  4. I've looked into joint programs, and I agree with @Ben414 about the amount of debt I would accrue....I just cannot imagine ever paying that off, even with the possibility of PSLF still being around. I am definitely interested in staying in the nonprofit social welfare realm, right now I work for a community action agency that fights poverty through different assistance opportunities, scholarships, and basic case management. I'm just unsure what way I want to go, as in what issue I'm most passionate about - I feel like I'm still discovering that.
  5. Thanks for your feedback! I'm happy that your wife is one of those people that enjoys direct therapeutic interventions; that's not my flavor at all lol I enjoy being able to directly interact with my customers, but I struggle so hard with only making an impact one person at a time, instead of being able to make a decision and it change a multitude of lives (I feel underutilized doing it, because I'm such a big picture thinker). Im thinking I may just apply for my MSW because I can get it done within one year (and that's a year of money saved). Use it to get more experience in the field, and then getting Executive MPA (which if you have 5 years of experience, some programs only last 12-15 months). Or I might apply to both MPA & MSW programs and see what happens
  6. I've been considering this as well. Hopefully everything will work out! Slowly but surely, I'll figure it out.
  7. Thanks everyone. You guys are giving a lot of great feedback and a lot of things to think about. I have been thinking about going part time so that I can continue to earn a salary but I'm not opposed to just pushing through. The main reason I was hesitant with getting my MSW is because I am adamantly opposed to doing more direct practice work. I just do not feel that it is really for me. I am much more interested in research and impacting community level change. From what everyone is saying, I am now really considering getting my MSW with a macro concentration, because I do have advanced standing and could get it done within a year. And if I just feel like I need an MPA to get me where I want to go, I can do an executive MPA program, as most schools require at least 5 years of experience and I'm working through year 3 currently. Im not sure if I will stick to this plan, but I do feel better about my search. If you guys have any thoughts please keep 'em coming!
  8. @MasterPublicPolicy, Thanks for commenting! My goal is to be at a management or program director level of a nonprofit. Your point about everything having a clinical spin anyways is valid, and I'll definitely have to look more into it because I feel like macro minded social workers will be less common than clinical so there may not be as many networking opportunities than an MPA program. But I'm curious since you have your MPA, what has your job search experience been like? I've a had a few people tell me I was basically wasting my time looking into MPA programs, and I should get an MBA instead just because of the job market. I would love your prospective on that, if you don't mind sharing.
  9. My goal is to continue to work in the nonprofit sector, but on a more administrative level. Right now what I do is very much so direct practice, and while it is rewarding, I feel like I would be of better use at a management level. Possibly be a director over a program.
  10. Ben414, My goal is to continue to work in the nonprofit sector, but on a more administrative level. Possible be a director over a program.
  11. Hello everyone, I have been considering going to grad school for a while now. The only issue I'm having is trying to decide what I want to go back for. I graduated from my undergrad program with a BSW with a minor in Child and Family studies. Then I went to work as a case manager. So the obvious thought would be to get my MSW. But I know MSW programs put a lot of focus on direct practice and clinical studies, which I have decided is not the route I want to go. So I've been thinking about applying for an MSW but just with a macro/policy focus. Then I discovered MPA programs and it seems like that may be the better route. Does anyone have any advice? Basically can anyone shed any light on the big huge difference between getting your MSW with a macro concentration and getting your MPA? Thanks!
  12. Hello everyone, I have been considering going to grad school for a while now. The only issue I'm having is trying to decide what I want to go back for. I graduated from my undergrad program with a BSW with a minor in Child and Family studies. Then I went to work as a case manager. So the obvious thought would be to get my MSW. But I know MSW programs put a lot of focus on direct practice and clinical studies, which I have decided is not the route I want to go. So I've been thinking about applying for an MSW but just with a macro/policy focus. Then I discovered MPA programs and it seems like that may be the better route. Does anyone have any advice? Basically can anyone shed any light on the big huge difference between getting your MSW with a macro concentration and getting your MPA? Thanks!
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