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Posts posted by psychgirl44

  1. Hello all,

    I’m interested in applying to Clinical Psychology Ph.D. and Counseling Psychology Ph.D. programs this fall. I have a love for both therapy and research, but my greatest passion is teaching. I’m specifically interested in teaching mindfulness. My dream is to develop a mindfulness-based treatment program that merges mindfulness education with mindfulness therapeutic interventions. Does anyone know of any psychology doctoral programs that place an emphasis on teaching, have a wide variety of teaching assistantships available, and/or grant students a lot of freedom and flexibility in TA positions? I would love to focus my time and energy in grad school developing/teaching an evidence-based mindfulness course to undergraduates, while simultaneously conducting research on the efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions, learning how best to improve upon them.

    also, can anyone recommend programs that integrate mindfulness-based therapies into the curriculum or faculty with mindfulness research interests?

    Thank you!

  2. Hello all,

    I am finishing up my undergraduate degree in psychology this semester. I applied to Ph.D. Counseling Psychology programs, and I unfortunately did not get any acceptances. One program did offer me admission into their masters counseling program which has opportunities to engage in research. However, there is a post-baccalaureate research fellowship I am highly interested, in which I will have the opportunity to conduct research in an area I am very passionate about. What will make me a stonger applicant when applying to Ph.D. programs next time around... taking a gap year and doing research in my area of interest of completing a masters program?

  3. Hello! 

    I take the GRE in 6 days. I'd like some advice on how my remaining time would best be spent studying (specifically math). I'm using Magoosh, and while I do great on the easy/medium questions, I really struggle with the hard or very hard ones. Should I continue practicing and mastering these medium level questions or should I focus on learning the hard ones? 

    Also, I plan on applying to Ph.D. counseling psychology programs. Does anyone know how much GRE scores matter or how much weight is given to them for these kinds of programs? 

  4. I'm no expert on the topic, but I'd say still apply. Admissions know that GRE scores are not everything. In fact, way more weight is given to letters of rec and research experience. Just ensure that those programs you are applying to are one's you're super passionate about. And make sure you convey that passion and enthusiasm. Make it super evident when applying. Write your personal statements from the heart. At the end of the day, I feel like everything happens for a reason, and you'll end up getting accepted into the program you are meant to be in. Also, remember the power of the mind and positive thought. I know it is easier said than done, but if you keep worrying and thinking your chances are hopeless, than those worries and fears will manifest in physical form. Stay positive, and don't be so hard on yourself. You're trying your very best, and that's all that matters. I can really empathize with you. I also have a great GPA but struggle with standardized tests, mostly because of test anxiety. It sucks, but I think many people are aware of people like us and take that into consideration. (PS I, personally, I don't think your scores are awful. Great job on verbal :D) 

  5. On 9/4/2017 at 7:32 PM, jpain3 said:

    I used Magoosh to study and just took the GRE two Saturdays ago. My estimated Quantitative Section score range from Magoosh was 158-163 and I ended up getting a 167 (and am very pleased by that). I also watched every video and did all 1,193 practice questions! The big benefit for me was pacing/timing and endurance practice. I think knowing when to guess an answer and move on made the biggest difference and was the biggest help from Magoosh.

    I've heard Magoosh math questions are a bit harder than what's on the actual test/ Would you say this is true? I do well on the Magoosh medium and easy questions, but tend to struggle with the "hard" ones. 

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