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Everything posted by NeuroKat111

  1. So I've been snooping on this thread for a while now, and finally decided to post myself >_< Undergrad Institution: UCSDMajor(s): Physiology and Neuroscience, Minor: Computer ScienceGPA in Major: 3.83Overall GPA:3.78Position in Class: Not sureType of Student: Female, domestic GRE Scores (revised):Q:158V:157W: 4.0 I'm retaking it tomorrow so hopefully I can get it higher.. Research Experience: 3 years with 3 different labs: 1. Research in genetics/protein interactions, studying genetic basis of autism and schizophrenia ~ 1.5 years. I worked on an independent project building a database of co-expressed de novo protein interactions that are associated with schizophrenia. I have done mostly experimental work with DNA and Yeast and did computational analysis with "big data". It's been a while since I worked there, so I don't highlight this experienece in my applications. I presented at undergraduate research conference, acknowledged in a paper (I don't think this counts haha) 2. Research in computational neuro, studying memory consolidation during sleep ~ 1 year. I also worked independently in a project that applied a computational model of the hippocampal neural network. I simulated how memories are strengthened during sleep after learning a spatial task. I submitted paper as a 2nd author (under review currently) 3. Research in cellular neuro, studying glial-neural interactions in Parkinson's disease ~ 6 months. I am mostly helping with experimental techniques such as co-cultures, RNA and DNA preps, differentiating cells, and histology. I also help organize and plan experiments, as well as read up on current papers. I presented at institute's annual conference, preparing to submit a paper by the end of the year as 3rd author Awards/Honors/Recognitions: I have been on Provost Honors for most quarters, and I've received 2 merit based scholarships. Pertinent Activities or Jobs: I have been a TA for an undergraduate physiology class for 2 quarters and have worked as an assistant programmer for UCSD SuperComputer center. Special Bonus Points: My letters of rec are from my PIs in the last two labs I've been with. One is very well-known in the neuro community as is going to link with me with some professors I'm interested in. The other PI also referred to some labs that he collaborates with. My third letter of rec is from my professor in physiology who I've also TA'd for. All my recommenders know me very well, so I think I'll get strong letters. Applying to Where: I know my list is pretty top heavy but I've done my research and find these to fit my interests the most 1. USC, Neuroscience Graduate Program 2. University of Washington, Graduate Program of Neuroscience 3. UCLA, Interdepartmental PhD Program in Neuroscience (NSIDP) 4. MIT, Brain and Cognitive Sciences Graduate Program 5. UCSD, Neuroscience Graduate Program 6. NYU, Neural Science Graduate Program 7. Boston University, Graduate Program for Neuroscience 8. University of Pennsylvania, Neuroscience Graduate Group Program
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