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Everything posted by not_really_cool

  1. @synapticcat Great! See you in A2!
  2. Today I accepted an offer of admission from the University of Michigan. I'm so relieved to have the application/interview process behind me and excited to start in the fall. My final statuses: NCSU Bioinformatics - accepted U of Kentucky IBS - accepted U of Michigan PIBS - accepted (matriculating) Duke CBB - rejected Stanford BI - rejected UNC BSB - rejected UW Seattle Genome Sciences - rejected WashU CSB - rejected Harvard BIG - still haven't heard, but almost definitely rejected I aimed high, but I don't regret applying to all those schools I was rejected from. """You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky" - Michael Scott." - not_really_cool
  3. Thank you for the help, everyone! I think I'll bring hiking boots and carry a more formal pair of shoes in a bag. Michigan is snowy in February! @hats I really like the style of the loafers & oxfords you linked to. Is there a particular brand you would suggest?
  4. I have an admissions interview weekend (possibly more) coming up in February. I'm planning on wearing slacks with button-down shirts and sweaters, but I still need to get a pair of comfortable, professional shoes to wear. I'm at a total loss when it comes to fashion: I'm an undergrad whose daily attire consists of jeans, t-shirts, and men's vans. I realize heels are a bad idea (I hate them anyway!) especially with snow being nearly guaranteed at this particular school. Does anyone have any recommendations of specific brands / styles / models of shoes? I'm willing to spend ~$100 since I could potentially wear them to conferences and the like. P.S. This is my first post here. Is this the right place for this topic? Thanks!
  5. I have an interview invitation from UMich PIBS / CMB and a rejection from UW Genome Sciences. Still waiting to hear from: Duke CBB Harvard BIG NCSU Bioinformatics Stanford BI UKentucky IBS UNC BSB WashU CSB
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