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  1. Are you domestic or international? I have not heard from Purdue yet ><
  2. Mine was completed on 12/29... It was really late... I did not update my transcript either....
  3. Just got replied from NCSU, I was wait listed >< Have no idea, whether I can be removed from the list or not... Idk how to submit my result since it says "You entered the Captcha words incorrectly"...... Does it mean people who get emails earlier have a bigger chance to get in? The emails said they are not going to provide any ranks or chances. And I was told some programs send out a lot ADs and expect only 50% students may come... even some students turn the offers down... they won't send more offers to waitlisted students
  4. Congrats!!!! Is that Stats or Biostats?
  5. Thanks for the information:) But 500 applicants >< This is a huge POOL.... lol Good luck on your other applications:)
  6. I have not heard from them....yet... does it mean rejected? When did you receive the email? Is that Biostat or Stat?
  7. Cannot believe another Silent Day ><
  8. I applied to mostly second-tier programs. I am an international student. I did my master here. I dont have a strong background. So very understandably, I have not heard from any program yet. My target school is ncsu and unc... Duke is out of my league lol
  9. No... Duke do not interview their own STA students... I think EE/CS professors have their projects and can directly say whether they wanna the students in their labs or not... in statistics... not common... but definitely, if they want you in advance... it counts a lot
  10. Thanks anyway:) I am really worried though... have not heard from any school yet >< This is a big week ><
  11. NERVOUS >< Will NCSU send out any more AD offers? One of my recommendation letters was submitted at the end of Dec... Hope they will still consider my application... Any chance?
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