I got an email notification and checked the portal to find the decision letter. I know Purdue has a great reputation for placements on graduation, and I am really excited about going there. I love the midwest too. I believe more decisions will be coming out next week. Let's stay hopeful.
I applied to Edu programs at TC, Harvard, Stanford and UPenn, and C&I at Austin, Purdue, and MSU. I believe we are close to decisions in the next 2 weeks.
Then I will wait for my other choices. I sent applications to MSU, Stanford and UTAustin. I will wait those and see how they go. I think MSU is highly ranked for curriculum compared to the Austin and Purdue. Let see how things go in the coming two weeks.
I got into Purdue recently. Has anyone heard from UPenn GSE, Harvard GSE, and TC Columbia? Is it true UPENN is accepting one student only into each department? I applied for the education, culture and society track at UPenn too. Any updates from these places?
Hi Everyone, I did an interview at Rice recently. I didn't write any potential advisors but I got an interview. Does it means say anything about my chances?
While all of them are great, Fletcher would reduce your debt. It’s also globally acclaimed. In fact, I know lots of top diplomats who attended Fletcher. I wouldn’t put Fletcher below SIPA or LSE. Fletcher is definitely one of the best schools internationally for what they do