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Everything posted by sbs2018

  1. Hi all. Thanks for being so great through this process. I was fortunate enough to be accepted at UNC-Chapel Hill (Theory) early on in the process. I accepted their offer this morning. I am still haven't heard from Georgetown, Notre Dame, Chicago (presumed reject), or Northwestern (presumed reject). If accepted at any of those places, I'll decline. That's just an FYI for people who like to know their probability went up by the subtraction of a single n. Anyone who is going to the UNC prospective student weekend, feel free to message me. And, especially feel free if you're definitely going to UNC. Peace. NOTE: I'm trying to notify those schools that I am withdrawing my application. Could take a bit though. UPDATE: Now withdrawn from the Notre Dame and Georgetown admissions pools.
  2. Starting to think decisions for Notre Dame and Georgetown are coming in March. Given the delay, and some comments above, it looks that way. (I hope not, but I am not holding my breath...back to my MA paper)
  3. I assume I am rejected at this point. They really don't seem to handle their rejections well (play on words intended).
  4. Congrats on your acceptances! I feel you. I applied to 13. Still waiting to hear from UPenn, Notre Dame, Georgetown, Northwestern, and Chicago. A few of those I assume are rejections at this point (NW and UC). I, like you, have received a lot of rejections. I am thankful I listened to the advice of a prof that recommended I apply to 10-20 programs. So glad I did.
  5. Congrats! Great school. You're theory right? I applied there for theory but haven't heard anything. --likely because they offered to you and someone else (I bet they are only taking a couple theory students).
  6. Anyone claiming the UPenn admits?
  7. Just wanted you to know your username is DOPE
  8. Thanks both of you. Looks like I'll just be waiting it out. I'd say there is only a very small chance that I would be accepted there anyway.
  9. Who would I email at U Chicago to check on my application? (Basically just want verification that I have been rejected, so I can move forward). I emailed the grad college already, they just said "WAIT TIL THE END OF FEB AND BEGINNING OF MARCH" (They were more professional and nicer, but that was the gist). Any ideas?
  10. Started emailing him, then figured I should just shut up and wait. So, just going to wait. But, thanks for the tip.
  11. Yeah. Anyone have a sense of when it is appropriate to contact and ask?
  12. I'd say it is reasonable to expect to hear from these schools by the end of next week, perhaps earlier. Others I have forgotten, these are just the schools I still have on my radar. UPenn Cornell (Rejections as well, I think) Georgetown Brown (looks like they'll send rejections as well) Notre Dame (assuming they aren't done already)
  13. Really, don't read into it. You still have a shot.
  14. Congrats!! I *hope* I can also be accepted ... Though, since I haven't heard already, I doubt I'll be getting good news
  15. Strange. I applied to ND as a theory student as well. Haven't heard anything from them yet.
  16. Sounds like some people are being interviewed for UPENN. I applied there but haven't been contacted. Should I assume I am out at this point?
  17. I hope not. But really, shouldn't we hear from them today? I am silly to think we will?
  18. My notes say to expect UPenn, Notre Dame, Cornell, Brown, and Georgetown around Feb 15. This is based on reported acceptances from the previous year. But, I know someone has heard from ND already (maybe an early notice though) and that someone else mentioned that UPenn will be a few more weeks. At this point, I am just hoping I know what's up by mid March. EDIT: If we don't hear from Chicago today, I don't know when we'll hear. It is already a week past when they notified last year.
  19. What do we think....U Chicago releases acceptances before 5pm Central tomorrow?
  20. It seems that way. No one will claim it. Plus, two seems low. Unless something something stagger something something. No idea. Just given when they have notified in the past, it is getting on in time. If the above poster is right about the decisions being made and it just being a matter of the grad college sending them out--then I imagine we'd see something by the end of the week.
  21. Phew. I wish Chicago would get on with it. That is one of my last 'big' ones.
  22. Ahh! Well, I hope somehow we both get good news. Theory for me, social thought for you, perhaps.
  23. Thanks for the encouragement! Those stories are the exception, but I think I'll be ok Fortunately, I am accepted at UNC-Chapel Hill, so I have that to hold onto through the rest of the admit season. Best to you!
  24. Same for me with Duke. I suppose there is still a chance. Perhaps I am on the waitlist. In any case, I have yet to hear from many schools, 10, including Duke. Theory subfield for me--so the offering are scant, as are the job postings. So, securing a spot in an excellent program is especially important. Since I do politics and religion, I am hoping ND, Duke, and U Chicago will send out some offers this week...
  25. Congrats!! I also applied there for theory. What's your subfield. For real--celebrate!!
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