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Posts posted by sjc86

  1. Psychology is waaaaaay behind this year compared to previous (well, non-clinical that is). Look at the overall acceptances/rejections received this year vs. last. I've only seen a handful of acceptances to experimental programs thus far.

    This is just my perception of how the admissions cycle is panning out this year, but.... if you were applying to mostly state schools, they simply aren't taking as many international students in the social sciences this year compared to previous. It seems like there are actually enough qualified American students this year, and they take precedence. Again, this could be wrong, but from what i've gathered there have been plenty of very qualified international students left in the dust this year.

    Don't jump out a window though, think of the person that would have to clean up... :(

    Project: Let's get rejected!!!!!!!

    Hi guys, I applied for 10 schools for PhD in Psychology and

    it's Feb. 18th and I have not had a single interview appointment!

    I kept denying myself saying that, since I am an international student, my decision will come later than the Americans.

    However, I am starting to accept the cold-truth.

    When I took a look at "admission result" of thegradcafe.com, I could not help myself but to compare rejection dates in previous years.

    This is what I found:

    Acceptance (Da gooot nus) : around late Jan to late Feb.

    Interview appointment : around Jan.

    Rejection (Da bad nus) : March

    hey~ I am screwed :D (and completely insane)

    Let's punch in your major name and school that you applied to in the "search box" and compare the dates from 2010.

    and let's get rejected!!!!

  2. What kind of job are you hoping to get from a temp agency? I'd love to quit my current job and go somewhere else for a few months if I could, even if I make the same amount of money. I feel exploited at my current job because I do skilled work at an insulting wage. I have to be in the bottom 10% range for this type of work. If I'm going to make an insulting wage I'd at least like to being doing easy work.

    The temp jobs are generally basic admin stuff. I'm looking for more of an admin assistant position than straight data entry or reception because it is more varied. I interviewed with one recruiter today, and she said that 2-4 month gigs are pretty hard to find, but 2 weeks is totally reasonable. The pay ranges quite a bit ($12 to $16 mostly, can be as low as $10, or as high as $22), it just depends on the job.

    Im way underpaid, too, but all of my experience is in non profit and academia. I would expect a 35% pay increase if i switched to the private sector full time. Hopefully I'll get into grad school and this wont be an issue....

  3. Emphasis: Developmental (To be specific, affective cognitive developmental neuroscience... :blink:)

    Your background and rough grades: 2.5 years full time research (1.25 years development and 1.25 years in cognitive, both full time paid). 2.5 years undergrad research at R1 public university. honors thesis (in social). No authorship, but results of my thesis were published in a different paper (I was a footnote; kinda pissed me off to be honest). Co-authored large federal grant funded for 400K over 3 years (for the organization I was working with, not for me!). 1290 GRE. 3.37 GPA (which is why i've waited 3 years to apply!).

    Programs applied to: UCLA, Georgetown, UCBoulder, UOregon, WUSTL

    Interview invitations, method of delivery, and date received: UCLA- invited in early January via e-mail from POI.

    Rejections: None, but I'm thinking that no contact at this point means rejection... most likely. Hopefully UCLA works out, it was my first choice anyway.

    I feel like we're getting so personal....

  4. No invite, but the only have 2 spots this year. I'd imagine if I wasn't invited then I am not on any kind of shortlist unless every interviewee said no.

    And FYI: Interview invites were sent out a while ago too.

    Thats where schools should just tell us we're rejected (I think this is the case for at least 2 of the schools I haven't heard from).

    I'm just trying to stay hopeful because... i've been grumpy for the past several months over this whole process and if it is all for naught, I may loose it. Not like "going postal" lose it, but like "I'm going to work on a lobster boat in Maine for the rest of my life".

  5. BU invites went out.

    I didn't get one, and noticed no one had posted results here, so I emailed them.

    I'm bummed.

    2/4 schools I want to attend are a no go.

    Might be time to start thinking about a 9-5.

    I'm really befuddled by what kind of research experience and grades it takes to be considered for interviews.

    Were you actually rejected, or did you just not receive an invite? If you havent actually been rejected, there is still hope!

    I haven't heard ANYTHING from 3 of the schools I applied to.

  6. This is why our generation must get more involved with making these changes at a political level--it's unacceptable that we cannot get the education we so need and deserve.

    Hear hear!

    And only ~30% of us actually vote.

    I've bought beers for people, texted updates about wait times at polling places, directed individuals to candidate's websites, held election night parties, and still.... I only have a 70% success rate in getting my friends to vote.

    Just vote. I don't care who you vote for, just vote. DO IT. It's really important. Like... really.

    ugh... I'm all worked up now.

  7. I was looking at the result database and i noticed that while every other field is posting acceptance/rejection results, psychology is still mostly posting interviews (of course there are exceptions, but overall...).

    Any thoughts on this? Is our field just more fickle? Why wont they just go ahead and reject (or accept!!) a bunch of us already!?

    I think the wait is finally getting to me...

  8. Entirely depends on the program. In some cases, you're basically accepted, in other cases, not so much.

    There were 15 prospective students at the one interview i went to for 5 spots in the area (also developmental). That being said, there are 5 spots and 7 faculty members and each faculty member had at least 1 student interviewing.

    So... its a crap shoot. If you got the interview, you're qualified for admission. If you don't get in after interviewing its probably not because you did something wrong, but rather that your POI couldn't take anyone, or someone else was a slightly better fit.

  9. I worked at a social lab during undergrad (did my thesis there), graduated and got a job in developmental/clinical research, and I am now working in a cognitive lab.

    I decided I like developmental the best, so that is where i applied. As long as you clearly state why you want to study I/O, you'll have no problem. Plus a lot of I/O is an off-shoot of social (of course, it depends on exactly what you want to study), but I wouldn't worry about it. A social psych researcher is going to approach a particular research question in a very similar fashion to an I/O researcher.

  10. Take the job.

    It will give you time to focus your interests and interact with the real world (as oppose to "ivory tower hopping" for the rest of your life).

    Plus, you said that you've never really had a job outside of research labs. How can you be so committed to one thing when you haven't tried anything else? Give it a shot and you'll be able to reevaluate in a year or two.

    If you decide to take the job, let your POIs know WHY you are postponing your PhD (I did this exact same thing, though the job I took was in academia). Keep up with the journals that best represent your field. Continue following your POIs websites for new publications, and be sure to look into new programs as your interests evolve.

    What ever you decide, best of luck!

  11. Yipes, that is difficult. I would not accept, then quit, whatever you do. I have a feeling that a place like the CDC has a pretty long memory. Quitting after 5 months might affect your chances to work for them later on.

    And if you plan to be funded with federal grants, this could literally be biting the hand that feeds....

    If it were a private company offering the position, it would be a whole different story, but because its the government, honesty is probably the best policy.

    Who knows, they may still hire you for the interim, or this could be a good connection for when you finish your PhD

  12. That assumes that is entirely in the hands of the CA-SC, because the 9th punted the standing issue to them. If the CASC says there is not standing to appeal, "Yes on 8" will try to appeal the 9th CC's decision to punt. Basically, "Yes on 8" doesn't care to win, because they know their favor with people has dried up in California, they just want to keep the legal limbo going on forever. Also, no one knows when the CASC will even make their ruling

    Removing Proposition 8 at the ballot, will probably be quicker than waiting for the courts.

    I certainly hope you're right, particularly about the "protectmarriage.com" people realizing that the people are sick of them. I find these people don't really have a sense of reality...

    At least if it does show up on the ballot, and i get into UCLA, i'll be voting to strike it down!

  13. So, I've been in contact with a grad student who is picking me up from the airport and he said to let him know if I have any questions about the program or the school's location.

    Should I just wait til I meet him to ask questions? I don't really have any pressing questions now but I could certainly come up with some.

    This is probably a minor issue but I, like most grad applicants around this time, am stressing every detail about everything :)

    If you have a question or 2, ask them. If you have 500 questions, pick the 2 that cant wait until you get off the plane. Remember, while you do need to make a good impression, your host has been through the same trauma you've been going through so he should be fairly understanding.

  14. Did he mention the name of the company? I'll sign up to be a teacher!!!

    There were a few, and the government wants to change the school system so that its classes are taught only in english. Here's the article:


    Yeah, I'm feeling really dumb applying to Macys/World Market/etc., and having to move all of my real work experience below my high school retail jobs.... (you know, relevant experience vs. "other" experience).

  15. Depends on the state. In general, you can vote from home or from your new state (as long as you register in time). However, most public universities will require you to become a resident at some point for the purpose of tuition and fees. In that case, they may require you to register to vote in your new state as part of proving your residence.

    yey! I love voting.

  16. Woohoo, teaching in Japan! I had a considerable number of friends from college do that and now most are preparing to return to the States to resume their lives here. And by preparing I mean crying over having to leave the great playground that is Japan. Aaaand they're studying for the GRE and researching grad school programs to apply to. If teaching english in Japan (JET, Aeon, etc.) is a reasonable option for you, I say GO FOR IT! And take me with you! :P

    Exactly! I actually had heard a story on NPR about some large Japanese corporations switching to conduct business only in English and hiring Americans to teach "business English" to their employees. Sounded like fun to me...

  17. <br><br>I think it probably depends on how the institution centralizes available postings etc, but I personally found postings on my university's (York University) career centre job posting site, as well as on faculty's profiles. I'm currently looking to switch labs for the summer to gain different experience and experience specific to my research interests, and so I am currently looking at labs across Canada. I'm finding info by looking at faculty profiles, some schools have a list of labs, with specific info on how to apply.<br>Also, keep research institutes outside of the university in mind. Hospital, and mental health research institutes sometimes have RA placement

    Thats how i did it. I will say that you'll need to be flexible in what you'll be researching if you are trying to get paid though.

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