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aewers94's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Definitely! Have you figured out what division you're going to submit to? I was thinking maybe the mass media division?
  2. Hi! Submitting to NCA isn't too difficult. I guess my only piece of advice there would be to present the best current draft of your work. Don't submit work you wouldn't be comfortable giving to a professor. Presenting at NCA can be stressful your first time, but don't worry--no one's grading you. Panels are generally 3-4 people, so each presentation ends up being 10-15 minutes. My first time presenting, I didn't really prepare as much as I should have and ended up feeling like I was rambling. Especially when I was the only grad student on a panel with established scholars. My academic idol Dana Cloud was on my panel with me so it was a bit embarrassing lol. But she gave me great advice for future directions for my research. So definitely prepare. Basically, write a short speech summarizing your work and why it's important. Don't be dry, make the research sound as exciting as it is to you. You can either sit and the table or stand at the podium...whatever you're more comfortable with honestly. Overall, NCA is a great time. I love it because I get to meet other scholars and reconnect with friends. SLC will be great this year!
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