Research is the most important thing for linguistics PhD applications, obviously. I was in the same situation as you and I got rejected from everywhere (though I had a few waitlists and interested departments like UCLA, UPenn, Maryland, UMichigan, Brown) before I got my MA degree. Now I'm about to graduate with my MA degree with a publication and an extensive research background and I got accepted to my top choice university among a few others. However, I urge you to not state on your application that you are reapplying to these schools. Due to personal experience I suspect that admissions committees don't even bother to read applications from people who reapply (I got rejected from UCLA this year which I was waitlisted in 2 years ago when my application was much weaker; I specified that I was reapplying, UCSC as well despite having a very good fit). I also don't think the committees will even remember that you applied a couple years ago; the people at Harvard didn't remember when they interviewed me a couple weeks ago though I applied years ago. So don't give up.
Also, fit is extremely important. I got rejected from schools I applied to that I had a very bad fit with (I applied to UArizona solely for Chomsky despite having a very strong application, and got rejected) but accepted to ones I had a good fit with this year.