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Everything posted by steph_me

  1. It's in the letter they sent: americanprograms@fulbright.de (Reiner Rohr) and Guenter Jacob at the PAD (guenter.jacob@kmk.org)
  2. See the form and have you doctor fill out pages 2-4. For the bloodtest, everything that's required under the bloodtest is asked with it on the form to fill out, that comes with the acceptance letter...and my doctor just attached the big list of results...You will also need a TB skin test with the results and a pap smear + results if you are over 21 and female. There are also certain tests if you are over a certain age (see the form) but some say that they are optional.
  3. Yup! Same here!!! My parents are supposed to scan it and send it to me per email, of course much of the lingo including German terminology was lost on them, heh. I haven't an idea who we'll be emailing but if we still don't know by the time I get the scanned copy I will be sure to answer your question!
  4. Well you have to send the medical form back and they have to approve it and then if everything checks out, i would imagine they send it. or so the letter said, right?
  5. Hey, so I am a German ETA who just got notified of my acceptance a week ago!!! I also applied for the Austrian one you are referring to. We are supposed to hear back from them by the end of April, so nothing yet.
  6. Hey guys, I'm new. I just heard on Monday (the 22nd) that I got accepted as a Germany ETA for 2010-2011. And my main question is about our funding/allowances - I've been having a lot of trouble figuring those out. On the site (the Fulbright US one) it says we will be getting our round trip covered, paid living expense and some medical insurance. But if you go look on the Germany Fulbright page, it's says ETAs are run all by the PAD, which in their circulars and for the ETA program in general, says they will give us an allowance of 700-800 Euro/month. Is this the same thing as what the Fulbright US thing was referring to when they said they would pay us for living espenses, or will we get funds from both the PAD and the Fulbright grant, one for living costs and one for whatever else? Even harder for me to interpret is how to figure that out, when the circulars say some grantees will get it from the Bundeslaender, some from Fulbright, and some from the Fed. Government. Is this all just the same 700-800 Euros? If not is it for living expenses or just extra? I hope I didn't write this too confusingly. Has anybody heard or know? Thanks!
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