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Posts posted by Humever

  1. 13 minutes ago, Metanoia said:

    Yeah, can't say. I haven't come across any Yale admit so far who's interested in ancient philosophy. I would, however, be surprised if they didn't admit anyone. Ancient philosophy is, after all, among their flagship areas of strength and they have a lot of students working in that area at any given point of time. 

    Yeah, hope might still be there given that rejections haven't been sent out yet.  Fingers crossed.

  2. 10 minutes ago, Metanoia said:

    Ah, that sucks. I would've loved to work with David Charles there. 

    I wonder if they admitted anyone working in ancient this year.  They seem to have accepted *very* many students working in this area in the past few years.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Metanoia said:

    Does anyone want to claim the Yale waitlist(s)? In particular, did you get an email to check the website or did the DGA contact you?

    I heard that this year the results are directly sent from the Graduate School at Yale. I haven't heard from them. So presumably this means a rejection. I feel sad about this.

  4. 24 minutes ago, tmck3053 said:


    Congrats guys - me too! Spoke with Mark Wilson on the phone. Time zones are a tricky thing so he attempted to call me at 4am Sydney time and I had to call him back in the morning. Will you guys be at the visit in mid-March? I'm planning on flying over.

    Yes, I will be there, too, though I might not be able to stay for three whole days.  See you folks!

  5. 8 hours ago, RoughAnatomy said:

    I'm racked with anxiety - as, it seems, are we all - so perhaps contributing to the discussion will alleviate the frenetic e-mail checking tick I've developed.  

    I was interviewed by Chicago, rejected for Ph.D, and referred to MAPH. I received an initial rejection email, plus a follow-up from the MAPH program manager. 

    I'm interested to see my remaining A/Rs, given my atypical situation: I only minored in philosophy (4.0 GPA), have a BA and MA in Sociology, and am currently enrolled in a PhD Pediatrics department. Could cut against me, or work in my favor - really depends on the department and POI. 

    Wow, an interview from Chicago is already an accomplishment. Wish all of us best of luck!

  6. 5 minutes ago, MarcelPr said:

    Haha no offense taken, and thanks! I received both my BA and MA in China. Actually it's not rare at all nowadays that young Chinese students speak and write good English since we typically start learning English very early (English used to be one of the three major subjects in China's College Entrance Exam), especially in big cosmopolitan cities like Beijing and Shanghai.

    Excellent! Thanks for sharing your background. I was curious because I only saw a very limited number of students educated in China who ended up getting into top American PhD programs in philosophy over the past few years. You should be very proud of yourself.  Congratulations!

  7. 15 minutes ago, MarcelPr said:

    True. But the amount of the donation is indeed very considerable, which would definitely attract some of the best young scholars, especially considering the shrinking job market. As PGR ranking relies heavily on the size and reputation of the faculty, we might indeed witness a significant leap in the ranking. Though you are definitely right that self-predictions tend to be over-optimistic.

    The results would come out within two weeks, fingers crossed!

    Wow, I cannot imagine you were educated in China (no offense, sorry)! Your English is not distinguishable from native English speakers. Amazing! Could you tell us whether you received a degree in the US? Your application this year must be very very strong.

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