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  1. Well complaining about Brown last week led to immediate notification so: waiting on Harvard is driving me crazy!! Is it correct that nobody has heard either good or bad news from Harvard’s American Studies?! I wish they would hurry; I am so ready to be done with this.
  2. Well, I got the Brown rejection email while I was seeing Black Panther. But the movie was surprisingly good, which offsets it. Good luck to those who haven’t heard! No news means there’s hope. Now it’s just Harvard, but I don’t think I would go even if I do get in. It would just be nice to make a choice.
  3. Any word on Harvard or additional movement on Brown? I was waitlisted atbHarvard last year and they called before Valentine’s Day, so I would assume rejection this year if not for the silence about AmSt here. I have a good offer that I will likely accept from elsewhere, but I just want to know first.
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