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Posts posted by jb2018

  1. On 4/12/2018 at 11:57 AM, SLPborn2b said:

    I received admission to University of the Pacific's 24-month program and have an interview next week for Loma Linda University's Transitional Masters, but am having a hard time deciding which to choose (if I am admitted to LLU). Has anyone heard anything (positive or negative) about either program? I am NOT Seventh Day Adventist, and religion is not affecting my decision process.

    Please Help!!

    Hi! I accepted my offer to Loma Linda earlier this month. I am also not Seventh Day Adventist, but after learning more about the program I do not think that will be an issue. From what I've heard, attending chapel isn't mandatory for our program since our classes overlap with the evening chapel time. I'm Christian and something that drew me to the program was how they work to combine medicine and faith. They also prayed with us before our interview, which I thought was extremely powerful! Loma Linda also guarantees medical placements to all of their students and they have a variety of medical placements as well. This was a draw for me since other schools I was deciding between could not guarantee medical placements. These are just a few of my reasons for choosing Loma Linda, hope it helps!

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