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Posts posted by icapybara

  1. 8 minutes ago, KD35 said:

    I just called and spoke to Barb. She said that if I hadn’t received an email yet, to assume I had been rejected, but to email ndsegf@sti-tec.com to make sure. So looks like we should assume the worst, sorry guys :(

    Well, I guess I had better begin looking for industry jobs now...

    Lol Barb is so done with us. She was incredibly short with me on the phone. And no, I didn't find the outcome of my application. She wouldn't tell me. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, GoldenDog said:

    Also, I thought the program was recently extended to four years? This seems weird, according to the FAQ on the site it should be four... If its just three, I care alot less since I have NSF already. 

    You can defer them. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, KD35 said:

    What 4 fellowships even are there? I applied to NSF and NDSEG, are there more that are open to nondiverse STEM majors currently in grad school? (Other than Hertz)

    There are internal fellowships too depending on your university. 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Phancy_Physicist said:

    Link now works. I was not awarded, but congrats to all who were! I'm 0/4 on fellowships this year, but that's life. TAing isn't actually as bad as they say it is. :)

    Lol you got me for a sec. 

  5. 2 hours ago, launchvehicle said:

    It was an opportunity for senior undergrads to update their information, because at the time of submission, not many undergrads had chosen a graduate institution yet.

    A lot of grad students got one too which is weird. I'm a 2nd year and didn't get it, but did get the finalist email (from the 16th or so). My 1st year labmate also got the finalist email, AND the "update your info" email. Neither of us got a January email. I guess it doesn't matter though, we'll find out what happens tomorrow or Friday. ?

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