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Posts posted by FrozenIceman

  1. I'm actually on the same boat. 

    Accepted an offer due to pressing deadline, and in the meanwhile working with another school on admission and funding. I do not know if things will work out for the second school tho. 

    But if it does, I will be facing the same dilemma as well to retract the first offer and burn a bridge. 

    Hope someone can chime in.

  2. Thank you rising_star and TakeruK for the reply. 

    Unfortunately reapplying next year is not an option I'm considering for two reasons. 

    First one being I do not think my application profile will be any different from this year. 

    I graduated two years ago and since then working a full-time job in the field of engineering but not in my intended speciality. I do not see myself finding a new position more related to the field or finding research/ publication opportunities which I did not have in my undergraduate studies.

    The second one is arguably my worst nightmare. As I mentioned before I was out of school for awhile, and I had to exhaust my very limited acemadia connections to find 3 recommenders. And I certainly do not want to bother them again to go through all the LOR submission. 


    Do you see there is anyway for me to make the best out of this situation?


  3. Gradcafers, 

    I need some advice on my current situation.

    I was fortunately accepted by two schools in the field of Electrical Engineering. 


    School A accepted me into their PhD program with funding (tuition wavier and stipend). 

    However, the School A is a small state school in a remote college town and does not have a well-equipped and supported groups and labs for my interests. Frankly speaking the only reason I would choose School A over B is because School A provides me funding. I have a strong intention to go on to PhD and the odds are if I were decided to attend School A, I will leave with my master's which means I will have to notify my POI my intention to leave the group after one year and who knows if my POI will be supportive on my application. 


    School B accepted me into their MS program without funding. 

    School B is definitely much more reputable in my field of interest. A very good amount of professors and groups working on my interested area. Great lab and equipment. Much more class offerings on the subject as well. Great city and much more job and internship opportunities. If I were decided to attend School B, I'm quite certain I will stay for my PhD as well. 

    The only thing holding me back on School B is the finance. I could only afford my first year of tuition and living expenses with my current savings. I thought about going to School B first and try to find funding afterwards but that sounds like a very risky move and I have no ideas what are the odds for someone to find funding without a designated advisor. 


    So Gradcafers, which school will you choose if you were in my shoes?

    Go to School A for funding, build a better profile for future PhD application and bear with application hassle and the awkward situation to ask my advisor to support my application?

    Or Go to School B, pay the price for the first year to get a good start, but risk putting myself in financial hardship if I cannot secure any funding after the first year?


    Thank you in advance. 


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