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  • Location
    College Town, USA
  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
  • Program
    Aspirant Biostatistician

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KnowSomethingParty's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. I'm assuming the "other math and econ classes" didn't include anything proofs-based, right (like the usual Real Analysis, Topology, Abstract Algebra)? I'm guessing you would've mentioned those, but just to make sure, since I don't recall seeing many people go quite so concise on their listings of math classes. Your GPA really isn't that bad, although your major GPA would be more telling. I'll try not to assume more authority than I'm warranted, but I feel like most folks who post on here with similar GPA's, GRE's, and school prestige would be considered competitive for pretty much any Master's, including those you mentioned. Your B in Linear Algebra might hurt that a bit (along with Calc 3, although that may matter less), but at least your A in Probability is good. I'll split the difference and say you'll be competitive at any master's program except the very very top ones, but it's not like I have any foreknowledge of Master's admissions, so if you have the money you might as well just try for the top one/ones. Good luck!
  2. Many thanks! Yeah, I'd like to take our Measure Theory class (we don't have a designated Real Analysis II), but I don't think they're offering it this year.
  3. Howdy everyone, sorry for the new thread, but none of the others looked to be set aside for all comers... Demographics: Caucasian male, will be 24 Undergraduate: Large public university Majors: Statistics, Physics, Cognitive Science Undergraduate GPA: 3.7-3.8 range, 4.0 in Statistics but ~3.7 for other majors Relevant courses: Math Calc II: B+ Calc III: A- Diff Eq: A Intro to Proofs: A Sequences and Series: A- Applied Linear Algebra: A Mathematical Biology: A Future classes: Real Analysis, maybe Numerical Analysis, maybe Point-Set Topology, maybe Abstract Algebra, maybe PDE's Stat All A's, as noted. Intro stats at lower and upper levels, Experimental Design, Regression, Six Sigma/Quality Assurance, and Mathematical Statistics 1. Future classes: Senior capstone, Math Stat 2, Time Series, Quantitative Biology, Stochastic Methods, maybe Categorical Data Analysis. Also possibly Causal Inference via Economics department. Physics (only tertiarily relevant, I know, but given the lower grades I thought it deserved explication) Math Methods in Physics (Linear Algebra and Applied Complex Analysis, mostly): A Mechanics: B E&M: B Quantum Mech 1: B Quantum Mech 2: B- Thermodynamics & Statistical Physics: A Future classes: None, although our Physics program has a strong stochastic simulation background, and I could take a stochastic methods class through this department instead. GRE: Haven't taken either General or Math Subject yet. FWIW, I got 1600/2360 on SAT and 36 on ACT, so I'd expect to do well on the standard GRE at least. Research experience: 2 years doing quantitative clinical psychology research, working with infectious disease biostatistician now/in the fall Computing skills: OK at R and Java at present. Learning SAS over the summer via a programming class, which should also improve my R skills. Schools of Interest: I'd probably get a bit queasy about accepting something below Emory or Vanderbilt in Biostat, but given my profile I understand that may still be too picky. I will apply to a few Statistics programs too, but I'd rather do Biostat. I have picked out Master's programs at UIUC and Georgia in Statistics, as well as some applied masters' in business fields as safety schools/programs, so I'm less concerned about picking out biostat safety schools. I am assuming that big portions of my desirability as a candidate would revolve around my GRE Math Subject Test score and my grade in Real Analysis. Beyond that, thoughts on what tiers of schools I should be applying to (either Stat or Biostat)? I'm also trying to decide between several classes, e.g. Time Series vs. Point-Set Topology vs. Numerical Analysis, so any admonitions or otherwise would be well-taken. Many thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this, and even more to those who respond! Addendum: When applications are due, I will have taken Calc II 6 years ago and Calc III 5 years ago, so I would hope(?) schools would take into account my having gotten better at calculus since then.
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