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Posts posted by jp_futureAuD

  1. Anyone else on this forum accepted to UNL and seriously considering going? I would love to talk to you about it! All three of the schools I got accepted to I think I would be happy at but I’m seriously leaning towards Nebraska at the moment. 

  2. 20 minutes ago, earz said:

    Hi!! So excited to be accepted to USF and I'm seriously considering attending!! Are there other out of staters like myself considering going to USF? My only concern is that it may possibly be more of a commuter program (but I'm not sure!). I hope to have a social life on the weekends with my cohort :)

    My friend @SK-AuD applied there and we have a couple professors at our undergrad program that either attended there or taught audiology there :) we live in NC!

  3. 2 hours ago, HearIAm said:

    Also, does anyone know when Vanderbilt sends out their decisions? The last school I'm waiting to hear from!!

    My friend is in their AuD program right now, and said they send out decisions on the Friday of their spring break, which will be this Friday!


  4. I saw on the results page that people got phone calls from WUSTL a year ago today, so I'm hoping it will happen today/tomorrow. I'm a big ball of nerves right now, because I'm also waiting to hear back from James Madison. Fingers crossed and good vibes appreciated. I'm sure i'm not the only one feeling this way at the moment! We got this y'all! :)

  5. @MeganBee It is very possible that the people who got contacted about phone calls are the people who just replied saying they wouldn't be coming. I'm sure they have a record of who they invited to the day and who replied with an RSVP and who replied saying they couldn't come/didn't reply. I don't think you should get discouraged just yet! :) In my interview, the person I talked to said they would be meeting on Monday to discuss applicants and that they would go from there. It's very possible that they just haven't contacted some people yet! 

    Also (for everybody who applied), do you think we will hear back from Northwestern by Friday like they said we would? I'm getting anxious!! 

  6. On 1/29/2019 at 10:59 PM, rahopper said:

    I just flew back from Philly today after interviewing with Salus yesterday morning. Their interview process begins with a blind, one-on-one interview where she asks you questions about audiology, schooling, etc. Then you have another one-on-one interview with an admissions staff member who has seen your file. Here, I was asked strictly about academics, such as, GPA, GRE, any dips in grades, things that may help clarify why you did poorly on subjects or anything of that matter. Next, you will take a tour of the campus given by an AuD student and then have lunch. I started at 10 and left campus by 1:30. 

    I really enjoyed my interviews and tour. The campus is small, without feeling crowded, which I liked a lot more than I thought I would. The only negative is I should have looked more into the cost of the program before applying because I was honestly shocked at how expensive it is.

    Good luck on your interview!!!

    How long did it take for Salus to respond with an invitation to interview? I sent my application in a little over 2 weeks ago, and haven't heard anything from them. Do you have to do an in person interview, or do they give you a choice to Skype?

    Also, I found out last week that UNL and James Madison want to interview me! Yay!

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