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Everything posted by Simbbo

  1. Any news from ND yet?
  2. Wow, Congrat! Were you invited to an interview at PTS?
  3. So far waitlisted with no interview at Baylor(notified 2/4) and waitlisted after interview at Marquette (1/30) Rejected by Duke Divinity (2/8). Interview at Wheaton next Monday. No interview invitation by Duke, Notre Dame, Emory, PTS, so I am assuming rejections. Still waiting on Fuller.
  4. I am also interested in swapping SOP. PM me if you would like to swap. NT track
  5. Thank you! This settles the discussion.
  6. It seems there is not much difference between the Phd and Thd programs at Duke. Do you think applying to both the programs is a good idea? My concern is that the admission committee may see applying to both the programs as a sign of uncertainty. of course, it will not be a problem if there is no overlap between the Phd and Thd admission committees. Any thought?
  7. Thank you. I will look into the service.
  8. Yes, I "paniced." That's the right word. Thank you guys putting some sense into my brain.
  9. I was going to apply to TT new testament Ph.D. programs this cycle. I contacted POIs, and so far all POIs i contacted seemed to be interested in my potential research topic. Everything was going well until I checked my GRE score today. My verbal and math scores are not bad. I scored 165 V, 159 Q, and 4.5 AWA. I am worried if my so-so awa score would disqualify me from TT programs like Duke, PTS, and Baylor. I got the impression that the TT programs expect candidates to score at least 5 on awa. What do you guys think? Would it be worth it for me to retake GRE to score at least 5 on awa? or Should I have peace with it and focus on other things?
  10. Hello, I am a prospective Ph.D. student. Currently, I am checking out different programs to see what would be a good fit for me. Baylor is one of my prospective school, and I would like to learn more about the program. It would be very helpful to hear students' perspectives. So, if you are a Baylor graduate student and willing to talk to me about your experience and what the program is like, please PM me.
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