In my quest to finally make a freakin' decision between three master's programs, something came up in a discussion with a current grad student: the possibility that at big research institutions that offer both the master's level and the PhD level, the doctoral students are the ones who get the most attention, being highest up on the food chain. This line of reasoning goes to say that at universities who stop at the master's level in a particular field, or are not PhD-granting universities, the master's students are the ones the profs really care about and are given the most resources.
What do you say? Generally true? Or depends on the field/university? Would working in the vicinity of, but not integrally being a part of, really interesting research that higher-ups (PhD students) are conducting outweigh the benefits of being at a school whose resources are entirely devoted to the master's students?
For background, I went to a humongous, public internationally-renowned research institution in a gigantic undergrad major and was just a number the profs didn't give two farts about. Wondering if going with one of my grad options at another different giant public internationally-recognized research institution for my master's (surrounded by PhDs in the department) will make me feel like an underling again.
Edit....or if it will be AWESOME. That's a possibility too.