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Everything posted by elbclimbs

  1. Interesting. I also took mine at a community college, so maybe that was part of it. I'll certainly consider applying to a different division, then. Thanks!
  2. My GRE was quite high (she even said it was "very high"), I had what I think were decent LORs, and I have several years of good (though not entirely relevant) work experience, along with some recent relevant projects. But she cited the poor grade from 2002 and that I had some repeated classes. In my personal statement, I attempted to briefly explain my academic history - I was diagnosed with ADHD at 30 and prior to that had been sort of all over the place academically, which is what she was referring to. However, since being diagnosed, everything has improved, and I thought I had proven that with my performance since then. That's what I meant when I said it seemed they ignored all of that. I would reapply, but clearly it's not going to make a difference, if they're just going to ignore anything I've done since being diagnosed and focus on the old stuff, so I'm looking at other options. I may just need to work my way through non-degree courses at a state school after all.
  3. I reached out to Denise to see if I could get some feedback, since the denial was absolutely not expected, and it seems like they didn't look at my recent coursework at all, and perhaps may not have even read my personal statement. She cited a poor grade in Calc 1 that was from 2002, but I have since retaken it along with several other prep courses and done very well, and my personal statement explained my history. When I responded to clarify that they were looking at the old grade and not my recent work, she dismissed me completely and said they've been doing this for a long time. Wow. I'm honestly shocked and don't really know what to think. I had thought about reapplying at a later date, but now I don't think I will. Talk about a sour taste. Argh.
  4. Was not at all expecting a decision so quickly, but denied. Extremely disappointed.
  5. Hi @erika123500312! Congrats on getting in! I bet you're excited! From looking over past years, I'm guessing the absolute earliest I'll hear for Fall is mid February.
  6. Submitted my Fall 2019 application for ECE yesterday and got the application complete email today. Time to wait! Eep! Anyone else apply this cycle yet? I've read through this thread so many times leading up to my decision to apply, and really do think LEAP is the best option for me. I'm in California and have taken some (and will be taking more) of the Phase I classes via a community college. I've also tried the "just take classes at your local university" approach, but it hasn't worked out well (the UC I'm near is severely impacted so getting the necessary classes as a non-degree student is unlikely). I'll keep trying if I don't get in, but despite the cost, LEAP would definitely simplify things. I visited in June and also did an online info session, and I feel really confident it's the place for me.
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