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Posts posted by PolisciappDZ

  1. 5 hours ago, JoshL said:


    About rankingUnlike the US, Canada does not have R1/R2 distinction. And as far as I know, there is no official or systematic ranking to compare between US and Canadian schools. However, this polisci rumors (please take this website with a grain of salt) thread may give you some idea: https://www.poliscirumors.com/topic/canadian-depts In a nutshell, it seems U of T is around Top 20-30 programs in the US, and UBC/McGill is around Top 25-35. However, I would like to argue that this comparison favors US schools: it is a reflection of US-centric in a way that it emphasizes the US placement record, methodology (quant. But UBC and U of T are strong at their Political Theory programs. UBC is also strong at CP), etc. 

    About placement: I personally prefer placement record than ranking comparison. Sadly, neither UBC nor U of T provides official placement record (UBC has a summarization, but no detailed info like year-placement, etc.). However, McGill has one and it seems these Top 3 schools do a good job regarding placement, at least their record outside the US. It is no surprise that they did not place well in the US (to be honest, non-US schools are not welcomed in the US). But if your goal is to get a TT job in Canada/Australia/UK, then all three schools would help you land a job in the long term. UBC did very well in the early 2000s, lately, they have placed people at U of T, Victoria, Sheffield, etc. U of T has a large program, thus the results may vary. But generally speaking, U of T is strong at PT. Again, they do not place well in the US, if you want to work in the US, do a post-doc at least or do your Ph.D. in the US. In the past few years, UBC has two (as far as I know) US R1 placement, Pitss and one also. I heard from a prof that U of T also placed some R1, but I forgot the name of the school, need to check.

    About cost: Both Vancouver and Toronto are expensive. There is no way for you to save money/get rich through Ph.D. programs. However, you are able to "survive"/"decent graduate life" at UBC/U of T. UBC funding is indeed better than U of T. And because UBC is smaller,  the competition within the program is not as intense as it is at Toronto. Except for the fellowship (means no work required), UBC also offers TA--and they need people--to both MA and Ph.D. students. I know at least three students who are taking two TA jobs: TA salary is around 1500CAD/month. By the way, Vancouver is expensive but Metro Vancouver is not. If you do not mind staying at North-Vancouver, Richmond, and other places (one-hour or longer transportation depends on where you plan to stay), UBC is easily affordable. Even if you do plan to stay near UBC (within 30 mins), you can also find a decent place if you want to have a roommate. A studio would be beyond the budget (well, you can talk additional TA/RA. I am just talking about basic money). Be simple: UBC 18000 (minimum and guarantee first 4 years, 15000 5th year + TA/RA (depends) + additional UBC/Canada scholarship (competitive, but not as difficult as U of T). U of T 16000 (basic package, require two--or three--year TA + additional TA/RA + other scholarship (very competitive, big cohort). The living cost at Toronto is difficult to measure. U of T has a huge student intake every year and its cost location is not like UBC--it could be very expensive. But, give it 45-min commute, you will be fine (means not struggle).


    They sent out some offers on Feb.14/15.

    Seems we have a UBC student there. I am sure (s)he will give a better answer than me. But I can help with U of T. Enjoy Canada!

    Thanks for the long and precious reply. Regarding UofT do you know if they have quotas for int students?

  2. 7 hours ago, as2472 said:

    I don't, sorry! The response on the results page isn't me yet (will add today, so the first one isn't me), but, given that it was weirdly early to hear back from them, I wouldn't be at all surprised if more acceptances trickle out. 

    Can you please tell us your subfield? Congrats again

  3. 7 hours ago, as2472 said:

    Still waiting on a handful of programs, but just wanted to start seeking second opinions on decisions. So far I've gotten funded offers, one of which I'll likely decline unless they really wow me at the open days (it's pretty low ranked). I'm primarily between CU Boulder and UBC right now (going to make a pro con list tomorrow), but long story short, CU Boulder is an absolutely perfect fit, but UBC is higher ranked on THE rankings. Does anybody know how it compares to US programs / the range it would probably fall into on the US News rankings if it were in the US? 

    Hi, did you receive admission to UBC as in Vancouver? Can you tell me more about your offer? Congrats

  4. 7 hours ago, nietzsche's moustache said:

    Penn as in UPenn. They asked specific questions about my writing sample and research interests, such as "what do you think political theory is?", or "can you explain the difference between domination and oppression?" etc., which took like 20 min.. After that they let me ask my questions, and I asked about exchange opportunities, conference travel funds, and the overall working environment. No word on the possible decision dates. 

    Thank you for your reply, I'm guessing they interviewed potential admitted students, if no interview chances are slim... Did they mention anything about answers? Thank you for your help!

  5. 7 hours ago, TheBunny said:

    I crazily wait for an answer from Brown with a friend of mine. I saw several people who got admitted to the IR and Political Theory tracks in Brown. They each admitted four people so a total of 8. I e-mailed to the department today to hear from them, but they did not answer yet. I hope I get an answer tomorrow and update here. As information, I and my friend both applied for the IR track. I am an international student with a master from the USA, and my friend is American. 

    Please keep me posted, IR applicant too, good luck!

  6. I am an international applicant and I would like to know how reliable this forum is? I see many people debating around topics related to PhD admissions and would like to know if the people doing so are just here to ease their stress and insecurities or should I use this as a reliable source of information? My question is very straightforward, I hope not to offend anyone. What behavior should I look for being misleading? Also is there a history of people wrongfully claiming acceptances? Thank you for taking the time to answer me! Also quick question what does (1a/2r/1w/2p) mean, I see it very often with different numbers. And lastly can someone explain to me what POI is, person of importance i'm guessing but not sure? Thank you very much.

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