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Lemonsour123 last won the day on June 7

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  • Application Season
    2019 Fall
  • Program
    Biological Anthropology

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  1. Earlier today I was recommended for funding! 🤯 Never any updates to my proposal status and the email came to both me and my PI.
  2. Still nothing for me and no status update since a day after I submitted. Lol maybe this week? Maybe I'll have to wait until June...
  3. Makes sense, I also think bio is on a slightly later timeline than cultural just going off of panel dates.
  4. Congrats!! I'm still pending with no changes lol
  5. Sorry to hear that @Himalayan_Buwoi hopefully the comments are helpful for your dissertation/resubmission. @greanbeanz when I was rejected last round the email only went to my advisor, and when I asked the program coordinator if that was supposed to happen they said yes because the advisor is the the official PI, I found out by refreshing the page. I think acceptances go to both the student and the PI based on previous accounts on gradcafe? Doesn't stop the refreshing...
  6. Might be nothing since your program officer changed so it could just indicate that someone went in and updated who that person is. I will say that my status date was updated a few days before my status changed to declined and my reviews were posted last cycle... hoping for the best for you 🤞
  7. Nothing for me either yet. I got a little wink wink that April 25-26 was a DDRIG bio panel from my advisor and they and another professor in my department were both out of town those days (I assume to review proposals although they obviously can't confirm). There is a second panel on May 9-10 with the bio program directors listed but they also oversee other things so idk if that one is for DDRIG or for something else. My advisor seemed pretty confident I'd hear soon although last round they said that in October and I didn't hear until December lol. From everything I can gather its really individual when you hear, like they finalize each person's results individually so who knows.
  8. No idea on timelines lol, I'm bio so its a completely different review process but it feels pretty random. @greanbeanz do you by any chance know how your friend was ranked? She (and others) and you and @anthropollypocket may just be in different review panels than those who were already rejected or you may be ranked more competitively and now they are going through those/figuring out specific funding ability. I also still have no updates since I submitted.
  9. Nothing yet for bio but the panels are April 25/26 and May 9/10 so I'm not surprised. Last submission round I didn't hear until December which was a month before the next submission deadline and I was right in the middle of fundability (medium competitive) so I assume if you are not an immediate no or yes you wont hear for a while. Please let me know if you hear anything!
  10. @pyramidstuds congrats on UNC! I know you would get in somewhere as disappointed that I was that I didn't get in everywhere (haha what a dream), it is nice to have the decision basically made for me, and I get to go to an awesome program!
  11. Well I got official rejections from UNC and Arizona, I'm assuming rejection from Illinois because people have already heard about admits and waitlists, and my friend at NYU said that this weekend is their prospective student weekend and only 2 bioanth students were admitted. So unless I magically get waitlisted and then accepted to NYU, I will be going to Ohio State! I'm just really glad that it has been one of my number 1 schools throughout this whole process, fingers crossed that I get an awesome fellowship! Congrats to everyone getting acceptances/interviews!
  12. Ok so I talked to a friend who is in the PhD program at NYU and they said that around the top 5 bioanth candidates were invited to an interview weekend but that they thought that any Skype "interviews" before that were very informal.
  13. I have no idea if NYU interviews are mandatory, and the inconsistent results on the page kinda make me think they aren't? Most programs with mandatory interviews have data every year where several people get interviews at a similar time, and those interviews seem to come from the grad program rather than the POI. This seems like just a POI wanting to talk to them further but I'm just guessing. Personally I'm hoping that because I had a phone call with my POI there before apps were due that I'm still in the running lol. For Illinois, I think rejections will come in the next few days. In previous years they come within a week of waitlists/acceptances on the results page. I have no idea why other schools don't send them out right away, its seriously annoying. The only thing I can think of is that they may want backups so that they aren't left with a smaller cohort than anticipated. Also if anyone is curious, my official acceptance letter for OSU just came today, 11 days after my unofficial acceptance. I know I was wondering when it would come so this might be useful for future students. Funding info won't come until the end of Feb so I have a while to wait for that.
  14. @pyramidstuds So I went a little crazy and looked at all the decision dates from the past, it looks like waitlist decisions come out on the same day or right acceptances and rejections come slightly after that. So we may be on a second tier waitlist but I'm not really holding much hope at this point. The good news is that UIUC does tend to send rejections pretty soon after other decisions so at least we will know soon. You could ask through an email but I'm not sure where that will get you, they will probably just tell you that decisions will come soon.
  15. Welcome @pyramidstuds! I'm sorry you went through that yesterday I will admit to eating a lot of ice cream last night over UIUC's implied decision. I think many decisions come down to fit, I've talked to my POI at Ohio a few times before, and honestly the fit with them and with the program is pretty perfect, while at UIUC my POI never even replied. Fit isn't just about talking to POI's however, and many people get in just because their projects work well with the department. While I'm sure you have good news coming your way soon, it might ease your panic to work on a solid backup plan. I know it helped me to look for CRM jobs or even just summer internships so that I knew I would have something if I didn't get in anywhere.
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