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  1. Going to UCSD! So weird. I guess their silence in regards to my application ALL THIS TIME meant they were considering me... xD Wasn't my first choice, but now I'm excited. I get to stay in California, and San Diego is beautiful! Plus my bro is there, so I can be near family. :)


  2. 14 minutes ago, Parsifal said:

    I just saw that funding for USC's Musicology program is WAY better than for composition.  

    I may be a composer, but something is wrong with this picture right? 

    Maybe it's just a function of the number of students in each program (not that that can't be changed)?  

    I knew of USC's generosity in funding for musicology but wasn't aware of the differences between the various subdisciplines. Is that a general trend in music or just USC? Either way, I'm sorry to hear that. I think composition is a respectable field. ?

    I'm not sure how it works, really. If the number of students they want to accept determines funding, or if the limited amount of funding determines the number of students they can admit. 

  3. 14 hours ago, klavierstucke said:

    What's an acceptance??‍♂️

    Even our acceptances are worded as "#1 on waitlist with very good chance of funding available" ??

    Northwestern sent me an email they'd be interested in speaking with me about my application sometime this week! Interesting since their interview week is over ??

    Even my interviews come after formal interviews are all done... I can't even... ??

  4. 46 minutes ago, klavierstucke said:

    What's surprised me this round is that whiile my research is on Russian music, all the places with Russian music scholars have rejected me...only ones without them are interested. Lol

    Omg I know!! So far all the places I am (or probably will be?) waitlisted at, i.e. NYU. Northwestern. UCSD, there aren't scholars in my field. Only people without my interests are interested in my research lol.

  5. 4 hours ago, klavierstucke said:

    Hey, I'm a similar case to you, occupying some liminal space between "Music Theory"  and "Musicology". I have also been curious how/whether this affected my apps. One of my writing samples is pure analysis, the other more cultural history. For what its worth I wrote about 3 people in my POS to CUNY musicology, 2 of which were theorists, and I very high on waitlist there. I also brought up a theorist in the yale one and many others. At Columbia, isn't Hisama cross listed as theory & musicology faculty? Our rejections are prob not due to unclear disciplinary identities. But it may be how to frame it. Interidisciplinary / crossing boarders etc. sound like buzzwords after a while so theres a convincing way to frame my research topic in it. That, or they just didnt find my topic interesting.

    I've been told it varies by school re. how "accepting" professors and departments are of disciplinary border crossing. I'm not sure how to glean this exactly. I imagine we would have the easiest time at schools that throw applications from all disciplines into one big pile and admit from them (Yale and Chicago are some I know). 

    At several schools I would have preferred to apply to theory but my showing on the musicianship tests would pale compared to, like, music theory majors at conservatories. Or anyone who regularly practices aural skills.

    My advisor told me musicologists with strong theory backgrounds are few and far between these days. So it will probably 

    I thought of applying to Yale (bc of Brian Kane), but decided not to last minute and apply to Columbia to work with Ben Steege (and Lydia Goeher, who is in the philosophy dept at Columbia and does a lot with the philosophy of music. Was it wise to talk about the music theory and philosophy dept faculty as POI as a musicology applicant? Who knows?‍♀️ Having bit of an identity crisis as I realize that the people I'm most interested in are not musicologists. 

    But yeah, you're right. It is probably just the way I framed my research (or my topic wasn't interesting enough to them). It probably doesn't have to do with the nature of my work. I think honestly there should be just 2 degrees -- DMA and PhD in music -- and those doing the PhD track should be able to work in any and all disciplines they're interested in. That would give us so much "research freedom"! ?

  6. 27 minutes ago, klavierstucke said:

    Yeah I applied and was rejected to both as well. What's the point in waiting? Isn't it like a click of the button-type thing and all rejections are sent out?  Im sure theyve sent out all their waitlists too so no point keeping us around?

    I didn't apply to Harvard but feel the same about Columbia. We're not even worth a click I guess ahaha. ??

    Not too disappointed tho. I wrote mostly about a music theorist at Columbia in my personal statement when I applied as a musicology major. But  I didn't want to change majors, so I want sure how that was going to work/fit. It seems most schools have a more rigorous interview selection process for theory majors relative to musicology. But if they don't take the time to test whether I have the same skills, why would they choose me over a theory major (since I'm quasi-theory but mostly musicology-oriented)? Haha, if that makes sense. Sorry for my rant. It was just really hard for me to find programs to apply to that for my interests. And I'm still not sure if I applied to the right ones.? But dont want to go for round 2. Oh the dilemma lol.

  7. 1 hour ago, klavierstucke said:

    CUNY musicology is emailing results today. I got news I am "high on the our waiting list for funding", and that I am very likely to get off the list. Seems like an oddly worded acceptance? Nonetheless some cool news.

    What is it with me and waitlists? Lol

    Ooo u have a very good chance then! 

  8. 1 minute ago, klavierstucke said:

    It's my hope everyone on here gets accepted somewhere. I've got a plan if nothing works this yr so nbd.

    Same. I hope it works out for all of us. What is your plan? I'm wondering if I should become a starving novelist and write novels haahah


    34 minutes ago, barkin62 said:

    I'm waiting just for Yale and UCSB. I've been doing pretty well, got into 3 places, waitlisted at 2. I've been quiet about that here; it just seems kinda rude/jealousy-inducing to talk about acceptances to people with so much existential angst.

    Wow congrats!! Looks like you've got a lot of options? I LOLed at "existential angst" bc I'm the president of the Waitlisted Club, lol.

  9. Hmm just got an interesting email from Northwestern that they're still considering my application, and for me to let them know if I get other offers... I thought their interview (weekend) was over? I'm taking this as a waitlist?

  10. I wonder if it's better to settle the first round or to try again second round in hopes of better options. Not asking for me. I'm definitely settling lol (where my family will live in the future is partially dependent on me). But I did notice in the other threads that some people have tried multiple rounds, so that's always an option.

  11. 3 hours ago, klavierstucke said:

    I got a Restricted Call this morning while in class.  They didn't leave a voice mail.  Was really hopeful it was Harvard or Yale informing me of acceptance but i got no follow up voicemail/e-mail ??

    I probably will only opt to go to grad school if I get into Harvard Yale or UPenn.  My other remaining possibilities don't seem to place that well into tt positions. It's beyond me why people probably much smarter than me give a hoot about prestige. I search 30 music depts across the country, HYP, UCB grads across the board (musicoology)

    Yep, and also Stanford. I've noticed that a LOT of the faculty at Eastman are from Stanford. Like I've counted 6-7 people from Stanford all teaching at Eastman.

  12. 9 minutes ago, Musiking said:

    Thank you! I'm very excited about it. It's actually my first real acceptance after a few rejections. It wasn't restricted for me, just a (510) area code phone number who left me a message.

    OMG congrats! I can't believe you got rejected at UCSD but accepted at Harvard?! Forget UCSD then, lol!

    I wish I had applied for more Ivies instead of doubting my chances and not applying. Oh wells, too late now.

    BTW, 510 is a San Francisco Bay Area code, namely from the Fremont/Hayward/Oakland/Alameda areas, lol.

  13. 39 minutes ago, klavierstucke said:

    Congrats to all acceptances today!!.. Exciting to see some movement! nothing from Columbia for me so prob rejection  though...

    Same. Happy for everyone else. This is exciting!! As for me, I may not get movement till March or so... So much waiting, can't focus on my thesis...

  14. 35 minutes ago, barkin62 said:

    UCSD is notorious for its internal waitlists---they have multiple rounds of acceptance/rejection and don't tell you your standing, and then some people get accepted on April 15th.

    Oh, I didn't know they were notorious for that. Until I hear back about an acceptance, just gonna assume I'm in that limbo stage. Great, I'm gonna have so much fun waiting till April... ?

  15. 14 minutes ago, Musiking said:

    I applied to UCSD and received a rejection (via email) yesterday morning I believe. 

    May I ask for which discipline? I applied for musicology (or what they call Integrative Studies), and got neither a rejection nor an acceptance so far.... 

  16. 21 minutes ago, musician94 said:

    Hi all! 

    Im back and just received an offer from Brown :) don’t recall seeing this on anyone’s list but just in case! 

    Woahh congrats! I'm hoping to see a lot of good news from everyone on this forum the next couple weeks! ?

  17. Lol. Sounds like we're all a bit crazy ?Ready to embrace low income/stipend, cold weather, and whatnot, and give up what we have now... Just to study music for the next 5-6 years... I didn't hit the dreaming stage yet, tho I'm sure I will soon?

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